
Only you would know if it is a problem in your life. Lots of women just enjoy wine...some women become dependent.

I lived in Europe. Even in France, most women don’t really drink every night or if they do, it’s very little. That’s a misconception. I was actually surprised by how little my Parisian friends drink on a regular basis. (they also don’t eat a lot of bread and cheese....) There is a big difference between enjoying a

Hey, if you’re drinking an occasional glass of wine because it sounds refreshing, you probably don’t have a problem. It’s when you “need” that glass of wine to get through the day that you start to slip over the line to dependency. Cheers!

Congrats on your sobriety. No one knows what goes on behind closed doors of even the most successful women.

You already do what? Drink alone at home or every night as a way of relieving stress? I’m not being judgmental (been there, done that) but even if you are not addicted, you probably know it can get out of hand. Alcohol doesn’t work well longterm as anti-anxiety or anti-depression medication, which is what a lot of

White wine is the drink of choice for a huge number of middle-class women with addiction. It’s a misconception that you have to be downing vodka to develop alcohol addiction.

Can’t tell you how much I hate the wink-wink “mom’s juice” promotion of wine drinking! I know too many women (“moms” and non-moms) who have developed alcohol problems in middle age. I don’t care how successful you are or if you have kids, if you are daytime drinking in your living room or drinking daily at night to

That reminds me of Edith Wharton’s Age of Innocence in which May Welland buys clothes on her Honeymoon in Paris but can’t wear them for several years because it is so new money déclassé to wear the latest fashion. True society women wear dresses several years out of style.

Well supposedly Moby just sold his Hollywood hills house to Banksy. I was walking by a few weeks ago and a middle aged white dude who looks a bit like this guy was leaving to walk his dog. So maybe I saw Banksy?

I could have worn this when I was 20 and looked great...but I’d have felt insecure and self-conscious. Now I’m closing in on 40 I would look like a like someone who left the house in a worn-out old nightgown, but I would give no fucks. Trade offs.....

McConell: a portrait of the banality of evil.

Just to be clear, by “poor people” he means all of us. He’s not talking about that homeless guy on the corner. He’s talking about Ivy league graduate degree holding people making high 6 digits. That’s poor to Trump. He wouldn’t want to appoint some expert who spent his/her life studying the economic issues and

Thanks for the explanation. It’s an interesting theory, I’m just skeptical that it is the best route for real change. I’m just not optimistic that police departments will notice or care if black communities stop cooperating. They don’t have a good track record on solving crime anyways. Most crimes committed

What a tragedy. For all those who think that addicts are just out for pleasure, imagine being on ecstasy on an international flight! That sounds like hell to me. Carrie may have been at the point that she needed a cocktail of drugs just to feel normal and functional. There is no pleasure involved. Brilliant

Does the boycott actually affect the police, though? Usually boycotts work because they have an economic impact. Like if you boycott a company, their profits suffer. If the police get fewer calls, they just have a less stressful job. In fact, they will probably use the fewer calls to prove how great a job they are

Some of my happiest childhood memories are of playing with rusted out auto parts in an empty field across from my BFFs house. Zero adult supervision, sharp rusty objects, and even, one time, a cache of old playboy magazines that we studied with Talmudic attention. Keep the marsh open.

Why wouldn’t you want to be Wittgenstein? He was brilliant!

I knew my body was powerful but I had no idea that he mere sight of my bare breasts could cause people to drown to death! I feel like I have a super power now.

Young children are the ones least likely to think breasts are a big deal. Breasts = mommy = food and comfort.

I thought he was on record never wanting kids? I guess it just goes to show that falling in love (sometimes) changes everything. My most kid-resistent friend is now the most helicopter uber-mom I know.