
It looks like they took the background from Scarface and made it into a jacket. A $2k jacket, no less.

University of Southern Cornholio.

Bwahahaha. I would have guessed that jacket came from an airbrush tee shirt stand on Venice Beach. Or Miami Beach.


“It’s a terrible state of affairs, Jonathan Snow, the president of UH’s faculty and person behind the safety presentation, told The Chronicle of Higher Education.

A colleague of mine made the point that thinking Trump is funny is the epitome of white Christian privilege. The things he says actually instigate violence towards people of color and Muslims. The amusement of the shitshow the GOP is right now isn’t worth it to me. Trump is not funny, he has no business being a

I have not seen this show. Tell me more about this reporter. Lots more. *innocent blinking*

Can the hottie reporter play himself?

I like Kaploom. Sounds like a Batman effect.

I don’t think it was a “perplexing clunker,” so much as a silly inflated figure that was meant as a pretty obvious joke number. Should he have said they sold $2.5 million worth, just to make it a bit more obvious?

I’m a southerner. That was a perfectly executed “bless your heart,” 10/10 would bless.

Not to the mention the subtle-but-smooth “in my hometown” line, which will make Ben remember all the dumbshits from her hometown that she said “bless their heart” about, and he’ll realize, damn, I’m one of them.

As an Alabama native, I gasped when I read that skillfully deployed “bless your heart.” I can only imagine that it was launched with a twisted, condescending smirk, and that possibility warms the bitchy cockles of my heart. Well DONE, Miss Lady.

Why wouldn’t they simply move the dude? He’s the one with the issue.

That is an adorable story.

I’ve shared this story during Jezebel’s yearly spooky stories contest (aka Best Time of the Year), but a friend of mine told me that the house her parents moved into has a ghost, witnessed by several family members and medium/plumber. As the story goes, a plumber came to fix something in the basement, after which

Then what is that behind you? :O

Today I had a twitter fight with this random twitter troll who decided he would mansplain to me about how the Republican party was the party of Lincoln, etc. He kept pushing this “Democrats are racist, Republicans are the real racially inclusive party” thing, and I kept making fun of him (at one point he told me he