
Alt hed: Fifty Shades of Brown—Watch Judge Kara Whip Those Offenders Into Shape!

I went wedding dress shopping with my pal and her other bridesmaids recently and one of the girls was a total asshole while we were shopping. She had just gotten married so OF COURSE SHE IS A FUCKING EXPERT ON ALL THINGS BRIDAL despite the fact that the maid of honor and another woman in the party are also married and

I never threatened in any way, but I was the mom that wanted her to try on 2 dresses I liked. She liked them fine and looked cute in them, but didn't light up like she did with THE dress.

i fit into all of my mom's wedding stuff at 11. dress, shoes. everything.

I wore my mom's dress. As she handed over the box to me, she said, "I'm sure you will have to take it in A LOT. I was very chunky in 1968." Cut to me trying on the dress a few weeks later at the alteration place. Dress fit me like a glove. That was like delayed shade.

I bought my wedding dress in a city where none of my friends or relatives lived because we had just moved when we decided to get married. I went shopping alone. I thought it was going to be sad but it was nice, I could really chose what I liked the most. When I was trying on my favorite dress the mother of another

Rude and a total waste of good olives.

It's only PC to refer to a person as "colored" if that person is John Boehner.

Yeah, Bossip, I think I'll save my outrage for more outrageous offenses. I don't think there are any racist undertones to Lena Dunham for calling Mr. Jon Mr. Wayne. I think she knows the difference (seriously, it would be hard not to), and simply wrote one Li'l when she meant the other.

I'm 28, from the UK and mixed.

One of the weirdest stories for me in ages. I identify as "Coloured", in the South African sense, so reading of someone apologizing for that term is quite weird. Still, great that he was so honest and harsh with himself in his apology.

anyone else want to talk about the olives? that's a dick move from three people i'm a fan of. you eat the olives, guys, and quietly snark at people. c'mon. i would have told you if you'd invited me. rude.

"B-b-b-but the NAACP has 'coloured' in their name! Where's the outrage there?!"

Perhaps she didn't want to escape him. That's the great big elephant that it's in the room: some women don't want to leave. They choose the man over everything including the health and welfare of themselves and their families.

"Victim blaming"?? NO ONE here is blaming the 1 year old.

As they very well should. A person who leaves their children with a person who they know FOR A FACT is abusing the kids, then they should lose custody of those kids.

Is it really re-victimizing someone? If you are abused, obviously you are a victim, but if it is proven you are unable to protect your children/continuing to put them in dangerous situations, you shouldn't have your kids anymore. Someone who can protect them should have them.

As a child whose mother failed to protect her from abusive stepfathers/boyfriends, I say fuck her. Children are utterly defenseless and can't leave an abusive situation under their own power. This woman's kids didn't choose her shitty boyfriend.

It is SO hard for me to subscribe to this theory. I want to be generous of spirit and forgiving, but my sympathy well is close to dry. It's hard for a child to accidentally get burned, repeatedly, and burns are exceedingly painful and scary. If the moms are, for whatever reason, unable to protect their children, maybe

I'm not sure how it happened, but I have never dated this type of guy. Every one have them has been a generous tipper and pleasant dining companion.