Whenever there’s some generalized reply about “oh you know, Mississippi,” I’m going to think of this fabulous lady #notallmississippi
Whenever there’s some generalized reply about “oh you know, Mississippi,” I’m going to think of this fabulous lady #notallmississippi
Yeah, I agree. However, I felt that the framing of the article was meant to leave the impression that “oh my god, look what dumbass Bieber almost did!” versus “Bieber made what is, in my opinion, a good decision.”
You’re right. I should have said either:
1. Young person is offered lots of money for doing a job that he does for money.
When I was little, I remember thinking it was beyond ridiculous that my dad said there was a time - before Kennedy - when people said a Catholic would never be president of the US. (It was extra-weird because we’re Canadian, so Catholics have never really had the outsider status here.)
Good luck!! I think the triggers may be pretty individual, so you may have to do some food journalling to figure out your specific issues. I’ve had an attack following a roast veggie panini, and at the time I wondered if it was of the amount of the (delicious, delicious) olive oil soaked up by the veggies or that in…
Here’s my magic recipe for avoiding gastritis attacks.
WHAT! I had to look it up because I did not believe you. Wow. Maybe she’s going against the Hollywood grain and upping her age??
Ha, yes. Absolutely! Love the transcription. I can so hear it in my head.
Ha, me too. I learned it that way in elementary school and Girl Guides 30-ish years ago. I honestly was surprised recently when people were fussing about a proposed change. I said, “What are they changing it to NOW?!” But no, it wasn’t actually a change for me at all.
My best friend was in grade school with her cousin who had same first, middle and last name (both named after their shared grandma). They were only a year apart so sometimes they were in the split grade classroom. They went by Firstname1 and Firstname2. I saw the cousin years later, and I was like “hey Firstname2!…
I just wrote virtually the same thing. I should really scroll down first.
As long as Miss Patty and Babette are fine I’m good.
As one does.
I really enjoy his work but he can be your boyfriend. Different blokes for different folks. :D
Whoa. Why all the hate?
You forgot “your boyfriend.” That’s the one that gets me every time because it’s never my boyfriend or even fantasy boyfriend. Tom Hiddleston? Benedict Cumberbatch? Give me a break...
I guess it’s not surprising. If the deaths of dozens of children at once don’t do it, why would a bunch of grown adults?
I think it was satire. Like eat the Irish.
xo Thank you for your contribution. Like someone already mentioned, I hope you have a great support system.