
Oh, and Ewans too!

Wow, the only Liam in his school? My daughter is 13, and there are sooooo many Liams. Maybe fewer Liams than Connors but my goodness, that name was/is popular. Maybe Canada was ahead of the wave. :) I also know of a “Liam William Lastname.” I am assuming his parents didn’t know Liam is a derivative, or maybe they just

Oh, well if there’s unicorn involved, COUNT ME IN. :)

In fairness though, it is a really hard anthem to sing well. Even for pros.


For real, I would wear the blazer. The pants, nah. (Think of the chafing! lol)

What a great compliment! I bet Gaga would take it that way, and so would Dolly. :)

She’s a delightful teller of tall tales. You should read her book, “I know I am, but what are you.” I just finished it the other day. It was a hilarious and cringe-tastic semi-fictional memoir. :)

Right, and neither were you. What I’m saying is that the fact of its occurrence does not change based on what was said or not said. The poster I was responding to commented, “Is it really that unreasonable to expect someone to say at some point “that wasn’t cool” or “don’t do that”?

Person A hits Person B. Person B says, “that wasn’t cool.” An assault occurred.

Nope, doesn’t change the fact of an assault. It may affect the likelihood of a conviction, but that’s a separate issue.

What the person says after the fact does not change the fact of an assault.

The law has not changed. Slogans do not constitute law.

I usually have a craving for samosas, to be honest.

Yeah, I always use the expression “fair does not always mean equal.” Sounds like her arrangement is perfectly fair and works for them. :)

Yes, to me that is a tremendous ray of hope.

Her mother believes her, took her to the hospital, and reported the crimes. So not all of the story is awful. Almost all of it, yes.

She was born Canadian. Obviously.

This was exactly what I thought too. And I’ve been through two 40-week pregnancies!

Gah, yes!! So creepy.