Wow, where do you get that stat?
Wow, where do you get that stat?
LITERALLY. Like, actually literally. Old school literally. I appreciate that.
Based on his barely coherent tweet, Imma say the schooling didn’t work out so well for dad.
I mean, they might threaten to come to Canada but, like the misinformed homophobes, they’ll be disappointed. You need to be vaxxed for your kid to come to school here too (with a few exceptions). It’s just common sense.
Well, that and the eyebrows.
Yeah, that was my takeaway too. None of these people are going in with any credibility to lose from my perspcetive, so have at it, I guess.
Right??? I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately. Consider the number (or, I guess, per capita instances) of work-related fatalities in construction or farming, for example. I’m sure it’s higher than for policing. One of these days I’ll even look it up for evidence, but today’s not that day...
So.... at what point do you maybe rethink chiropracters altogether? ;)
I’ll say what the cop should have said: THANK YOU.
That’s exactly the choice my husband and I made for our kids. They each have my last name as a middle name. It’s on their birth certificate, school reports, etc. Works for us! :)
Me too!!! Then again, I’m Canadian and so are most of my fb friends. We’ve had over a decade to realize that allowing same sex marriage does absolutely nothing to change “traditional” marriage.
My parents were the same!!! I read ‘Sybil’ and Sidney Sheldon right alongside my (huge) Scholastic book club orders.
Yes!! The groom’s family kept commenting to me at my cousin’s (the bride’s) wedding how much she and I look alike and the genetics are so strong. Clearly they’re out of the loop that she’s adopted. I’d just smile and reply that people have been telling us that since we were little. Which is the truth! (I wonder if/how…
Doesn’t bother me. Does it bother you?
Would buy.
If you have time to read and comment, you have time to plant and maintain a well-planned garden. I have time for both!
Watched it on a plane last week. Delightful! :)