
She could totally say "that's not my experience of this man. He has always been good to me and my loved ones." Full stop.

To me, the other actors' comments are entirely valid. Saying, in essence, that these allegations do not seem to fit with your experience of the man is a factual statement that does nothing to denigrate the lived experiences of other people. But this person is saying that it didn't happen to me; therefore, it didn't

I only know her from Marcel. And that's all I need to love her!

With you on Silverman. Unfunny, irritating, vile.

Yeah, that's the deal me and Mr. Fiendster have as well. He's an excellent cook and I'm an extremely half-hearted one, so he does way more cooking and I do way more cleaning up. Works for us.

I also enjoy that she signs it "Lupita N." As if there is another Lupita in her class that we might get her confused with.

I am so disappointed in Marry Me. I had such high hopes. Casey Wilson deserves so much better. I'm still mourning Happy Endings. Oh, Casey. I wish you well.

We saw them in Toronto in August. Zayn YAWNED during the concert.

This particular white girl would be a contender in any booty-off thankyouverymuch.

Since Rude is on this list, I will agree with everything else you have to say forever and ever, amen.

Well, in the context of this site — or the internet at large — nice diction is not a given. In the context of this specific essay by this specific writer, yeah, it appears to have that condescension.

I don't know who the second person you're referring to, but Ghomeshi is CANADIAN. Yes, it's a real thing.

Unions in Canada are intended to serve the same purposes as elsewhere: ensure that their workplaces are safe and workers treated fairly. Clearly, this one failed. Massively. I actually think I'm more sad about this than I was to hear about Ghomeshi to begin with. (And to be sure, I was/am sad about that too.)

"The world needs books!" She's freakin' hilarious. Plus, 100% correct. :)

As a Canadian, I find it hard to conflate Ohio and Missouri. They just don't occupy the same mental territory at all...

Then the dirt bag would be "Bette Midler says she's knows nothing of Ariana Grande. Buuuurn!"

This tale is EXCELLENT.

This is both ugly and kind of delightful at the same time.

That looks like fun!!! :)

Hey, that's great news! I was wondering.... ;)