
Whoa... Now that's a fascinating silver lining there. If only people (and by "people," I mean corporations) weren't so damn comfortable with double standards ad twisted logic...

Loves looves loooooves the Bostons! (hates the fartses but whatcha gonna do? they come with)

See, you should move to Canada. We call them "pencil crayons." Everything's happier up here in paradise.

I figure Courier makes sense if she's looking for a typewriter (story-telling) aesthetic. "Stories" would convey a very different feel if it was in say, Lucida or some fancy-dancy calligraphy. Maybe she's starting to write?

I enjoy the factual nature of your comment, plus it's servicey-ness. And a dose of sarcasm. Really it has it all. 10/10

"attempting (and failing) to start numerous successful business ventures."

I'm not familiar with the park, but here's my piece of advice — treasure your memories and do not return there lest your memories be tainted by the realness. :)

Ha, glad I'm not years out of date then! (Or maybe we both are??) ;)

Thank you! Very helpful. :)

"Canobie Lake Park is basic"

Yup. It was a one-sided argument in the most literal sense.

Honestly, sometimes I get concerned about the people who post in such an unhinged fashion. I mean I'm entertained and all, but it's a bit disturbing.

Wow, two ear worms for the price of one. Such good value in your comment!

Oh man, now I'm giggling here at work. Thanks!


And yet, I'll continue to wish you well.

Oh heavens, you are a cranky one, aren't you? I hope your day gets better.

Oh no, my dear, it's all yours.

6 comments down., there it is. I was curious how many I'd read before I came to one blaming the mother.

I find his wife quite likeable as well. Good story. Would read again. :)