Seriously? Not an acceptable skin colour for you?
Seriously? Not an acceptable skin colour for you?
The funny thing to me is how you can spend this much on clothes and still look really bland/anonymous. I'm not dissing the individual pieces of clothes, mind you (there are some really cute pieces!) but the styling really does come across as "average business woman on a budget."
"You have to excuse him, really, I think he has a little bit of a condition."
Yes, 222s are readily available.
I just discovered it recently as well after a sprained ankle. It didn't even require begging - though perhaps the pathetic limping and wincing did my begging for me.
"Meanwhile, the number of people killed annually by guns in the US? About 32,000. By 2015, some analysts predict gun fatalities will exceed traffic fatalities in the US, based on current trends."
If she's boycotting, I'll take her share of the stuffing and the gravy. Mebbe the turkey too – depends who's cooking.
Oh, I liked that one a lot. Making a list here... Love the booky talk!
Right? I was born in '73 and I can assure all the young un's that I devoured books about Liz and Jess and their "perfect size 6" figures and their "lavalier necklaces" (still don't know what that is) and Lila Fowler and the nerd dude in the sweat pants who turned out to be hot and the head injuries and the convertible…
Well, not exactly. The United States Government bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hundreds of thousands of people died, directly and years after as a result. They are not at all equivalent acts.
No doubt that's a big part. All the trust issues would be huge.
They played for me, so it must be your medical condition. All the best with the healing process!
I've never thought about it, but I'm sure you're right that the Cambridges probably don't have a pantry stocked with teenage-babysitter-friendly treats. Crisps and packaged biscuits don't seem to be a big part of their diet. ;)
"Prince William and Kate have hired William's former nanny to care for George"
Well, you know, unless she's actually from Greece. Then all is chill.
Could not agree with you more! It's interesting in our household because one child is a real hugger (boy) and the other is very much into personal space (girl). Lots of great discussions (lectures too) about how everyone owns his/her own body and gets to make the decisions for it. Your need to have a hug is not more…
Thanks, friend. Now I can get back to work. :)
Is that Kristen Stewart? It looks like her but way more animated than usual. I can't decide if that's her. And apparently it's really important for me to know. Help?
So classic! It was actually an early way in for me to thinking about race. (Seriously.)