
And all it took to convict Raja was for a man to die, the call to have been coincidentally recorded, public outcry, a four-year intermission between the killing and the trial, the ghost of Trayvon Martin to haunt the trial, and 30 years of Florida cops shooting black people and getting away with it, and a cop who

It was pretty buried in there, but holy shit that whole situation with SoulCycle is fucking insane. Just to clarify, this guy was either a huge asshole and pushed his then girlfriend away or something happened in their relationship and she cheated on him, and his response is to get his band of merry morons to bombard

Barstool isn’t more successful than Deadspin. As Drew mentions in the piece, Deadspin gets significantly more traffic. I can’t even find Barstool on any list of top sports sites by traffic. That’s how little they matter in terms of clicks.

I’ve seen more headlines here about Bill Simmons and Barstool than specific sports stories.

So by that logic, because The Daily Caller makes a butt-ton of money we should cut them some slack as well?

And yet no one is scrambling to abandon the Deadspin brand because brands are helpful and important.Deadspin has made concerted efforts to shift away from misogyny over the last 8 years.

A Magary is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he gets out of intensive care.

I have older siblings and am an older brother to my younger sister. When we were in elementary school some boys were teasing my sister and her friends one day at recess. I got wind of this (I would have been in 4th grade maybe and that sister in 2nd grade) and went over to the boys and told them to “fuck off.” I had

I went to graduate school for a degree in a male-dominated STEM field. The culture in the department and university was terrible. Women were routinely sexually harassed and silenced through the department. I built up a group of women in the department and fought for two hard years alongside them and other amazing

Same. I still remember how much I enjoyed her in Samantha Who?

Is is absolutely the most gorgeous thing!!!!!

I worked at a huge furniture company with a team of about 12 receptionists. There were a few older ladies and one had never been married and was already in her 50's so we knew she was never going to have children but she got an adorable white shitzu puppy. We decided to throw her a surprise puppy shower. Everything

Woo! I’ve got one! So, this chick was the SiL of my best friend, and when the baby shower invites  get  around, my best friend *begged* me to go because “jesus christ Heathens, this bitch is insane and I need a damn witness”

So she was out with friends for her birthday, was livestreaming it, and someone assaulted her. On the one hand, what a horrible thing to happen, both the assault and its broadcast. On the other, if the livestream helps her attacker get convicted, that’s great! But that kind of exposure, that’s got to feel like a

Oh my God I feel sick reading this. This is a nightmare. Does Atlanta/Georgia have the Good Samaritan law? Anyone and everyone that saw this happening and did nothing (or livestreamed it) needs to be arrested.

Kevin truly was the worst man.

My first thought was brain tumor because it could have explained some of his erratic behavior. I personally don’t think it’s crass to speculate how somebody died (obviously, since I just did it) as long you’re not trashing them or spreading outlandish rumors.

In the Netflix version- did anyone else kind of freak at the guy who said that after they were told to just go get tents he said ‘we didn’t want neighbors so we started destroying, ripping, and pissing on beds in the tents around us ” or words to that effect? I found that chilling- how many of those types are out

BJ customs guy is the definition of ‘enabler’. If I didn’t know any better I’d think he was Billy’s doting but ignorant rich father.

Being in debt is okay. That’s how leveraging works.