
To say this is horrifying is an understatement and sadly not surprising. Sex workers are some of the LEAST protected workers in the states I can only imagine the horrors they endure outside of the US. Anyway I did SOME sex work with my ex to help feed ourselves in school, I use to be ashamed of this but said fuck it

Yea, I’m a black immigrant to the US and I’m not having a child here if I can help it. I can already tell I’ve been impacted by the trauma of being black in this country, but I never thought about passing that on to my child through birth too. Maybe I’ll have to move back home for a couple years to recalibrate before

Here is the thing, kids do shitty things.

The problem we encounter today is the mistakes the kids make stay with them, by virtue of digital media, so it makes a difficult situation even more difficult, because it doesn’t get let go. It is amplified.

That’s nice that you feel ashamed of what you did. You should. As a woman who was a teenage girl on one of those lists, who still vividly remembers the humiliation and degradation as a consequence, I must ask you:

I can’t find it now, but sent a family member an article last year about this topic. There was a study that looked at African immigrants, and their infant mortality rate was “normal”, even for those that came from detainment camps. However, after living in the US for a generational, their grandchildren’s infant

To my shame, my friends and I did something similar to this in middle school (early 00's). A few years into high school, one of the girls told me that she knew about it and that it hurt her deeply. I remember feeling just absolutely awful about it (surely not as bad as it probably made her feel as a 13-14 year old

Wasn’t that also the whole idea behind the early days of Facebook? 

I really appreciate your commitment to sticking with this story and continuing to follow it, and give updates. It’s so important that we take notice and bear witness even though others would rather have it swept under the rug.  

They get named CEO of Theranos, then they lower their voice an octave to sound more authoritative.

When I was little, I would rub a small amount of toothpaste on my tongue to beat the breath smell test, and it worked. There were layers and thought put into the lie.

This is like one long, funny reminder to get a vasectomy.

I listened to this episode, and I can’t imagine the hell it must be to have people constantly harassing you and questioning whether your child even existed. I swear I heard an episode of another podcast about two parents who lost their daughter in the Aurora shooting traveling to the sites of other mass shootings to

I also wonder if the suicides of the Parkland survivors might have triggered something for him. There is some evidence that suicide is “catching” (for lack of a better word), especially among people who share a common experience, like they do with gun violence. It seems relevant that this occurred right after two

FYI. The recent TAL episode called Beware of Jabberwock has a pretty interesting interview with one of the Sandy Hook fathers re: the online trolls ad Alex Jones.

i’m not surprised that after almost a decade of death threats and harassment from insane conspiracy theorists that one of the targets of them decided to kill themselves. and those pieces of shit will use this to say that he was going to come out as a crisis actor and the government had him killed. alex jones should be

As cruel as it may seem to the students who did not know, I agree. The punishment should serve as a deterrent. Otherwise the parents will continue this funny business in the background. Buying a library in exchange for enrollment should also be banned, but I realize capitalism is king in this country.

Unknowing or not, they should not benefit from their parents’ fraud. They’re still taking a spot from a student who actually earned it. If your parents steal a car and gift it to you, you don’t get to keep it when the theft is discovered. 

Get over it, ya fat dink.

All I have to say to this Olivia Jade girl is “Ya basic”! I don’t even really know what that means, but it cracks me up every time I hear it on The Good Place.