I did not say the allegations against CK or R. Kelly are the same anywhere in this post. I’m talking about a common attitude in the entertainment industry that lets men off the hook for a whole spectrum of abuse and sexism because they’re artists.
I did not say the allegations against CK or R. Kelly are the same anywhere in this post. I’m talking about a common attitude in the entertainment industry that lets men off the hook for a whole spectrum of abuse and sexism because they’re artists.
Thank you, Wende.
I went to high school with a very sweet man who was active in the performing arts. We weren’t super close, but we remained friendly acquaintances for the next several decades. He went on to become an elementary school teacher. He and his husband abruptly had a murder-suicide several years ago.
Emotionally immature. When they can’t name their emotions, when they can’t process actions and consequences beforehand, they count on silly gestures they’ve seen in movies. Ignorance and crassness that is unsupervised and met wth lazy, unwarranted loyalty and it’s easy to see they’re being manipulated by the…
My parents had gone on a beach vacation in the summer a few years ago, and they bought back nice gifts for my siblings and their families, like hoodies, candles, ornaments, and gave them out at Christmas. And for me, oh boy, they had “saved” for me their USED little bottles of hotel shampoo and conditioner (there was…
A girlfriend of my brother’s gave me a mustache waxing kit. I’m a lady and we had never talked about mustaches or waxing before.
I had been a poor student for years, sleeping on an air mattress in a sleeping bag, when my mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I told her I wanted a duvet to replace my sleeping bag and a real suitcase to replace a weathered duffel bag. She implied she had some extra money that year and asked if I had a…
I don’t understand why being a lifestyle blogger is something that should be looked down upon. Kate’s family has a business selling party supplies. Is that really all that more sophisticated than lifestyle blogging?
I think that sometimes Americans don’t fully grasp how misogynist, racist, snobbish, dishonest and downright malicious some of our newspapers are.
I don’t understand why having doubts about the national policy of the Nation of Israel is so toxic. I know that IT IS, but it doesn’t make sense to me. The Jewish faith != (Israel-only), in my mind.
Given the nature of politics surrounding the state of Israel in the American context, Prof. Hill should have known that black intellectuals, politicians, clergy, activists and entertainers are not allowed nuance when criticizing Israel’s treatment of the Palestinian people. For black people you are either pro-Israel…
So, I’m a public employee and I was working in a public capacity at an event that was apolitical (it was for fire victims). As it pertains to my job, I’m trained to try to keep things neutral and relatively calm in a work situation as I have to be careful with persona statements, as people could constrew them as my…
Jesus christ. I’m a white guy. Another white guy family member tried giving me the whole “democrats framed a good man” diatribe last week and I just shut that shit down immediately.
At a college football game last year, surrounded by mostly other white people, this chubby vanilla maga hat type sitting next to me…
One of the bartenders at my regular place had a dipshit of a baby daddy, and no one liked him, but later she told some of us he’d been abusive, so we totally wrote him off. He hadn’t been around for a while, even after he left, then apparently he got a new job and started coming back with some new friends, since no…
I’m working the booth at an event a few weeks back, and as happens, I start some small talk with a man and a woman at the booth next to mine. It’s your basic stuff: where do you work? How old are your kids? How do you like your job? Etc.
It’s never the woman you know either. It’s never the opinionated, happy-seeming, confident woman being abused. It’s never the happy mother, the dedicated wife, the accomplished physician. That woman would never be abused. She would stop it. She would not put up with that kind of thing. Her upbringing didn’t…
This is exactly right. If GWU or Duke or UCLA want to have basketball teams, they either need to run them as separate business entities, the way universities run hospitals, with players as paid employees, or else they need to have pure amateur teams where players have an 18 game season against local teams a school bus…
Imagine being an academic at GW, seeing the salaries attached to these people, and their behavior, and then having to return to your teaching and research.
It’s amazing that even while being Univisioned y’all can produce incredible work like this. Thank you.
It’s 2018... If you are a college professor or administrator, keep your partying a hundred miles away from your employees or students. It’s not rocket surgery man.