Can you ask your family members to leave for a few minutes while you talk to your grandfather? I definitely don’t think you should hold back when you speak to him, even if your family doesn’t leave the room.
I’m convinced Putin is behind this whole thing as a gambit to try and save his puppet from being removed from office.
Or he’s into you.
Justin Timberlake: *Making Filthy* Something sexy, truly unique, ....2018 but Prince-like..Yeah!
I wouldn’t mind trans students taking dumps in all the hallway drinking fountains until this can be resolved. I’m pretty sure they would come to some sort of resolution quickly.
I don’t know what it is about this new space race that has captivated me so much, but I wept during the launch yesterday. I didn’t become fascinated with space until after college, so I missed that boat for getting involved professionally. But I’m so glad there are people like Elon Musk willing to make the investments…
Hands down my favorite part of any RPG campaign, computer or table-top, is at the very beginning when you get to trade 1d4 blows with iron weapons against goblins, kobolds, and other assorted creatures. #Goblins4Life!
I hear you, girl. I hear you. I can’t even tell you how many people I care about that I was disappointed with — not even because their opinions differed from mine, but because they were not just dismissive of this poor girl but vitriolic — all were convinced that whatever happened, it was clear she just didn’t handle…
This Aziz Ansari story has really shaken me. As some of you may remember (or maybe not, I’m certainly not that important), a month or two ago something finally clicked in my head- that I had been sexually assaulted when I was a teenager by my boyfriend at the time. We were both 16 (plus or minus a year, I can’t quite…
1. We do have a term for it - sexual coercion. It covers encounters like this that aren’t necessarily illegal, but aren’t exactly super consensual either, because one person made the other person feel like they couldn’t refuse sex. When someone is ignoring your attempts to shut sex down, it’s hard to be 100% sure that…
On verbal and non-verbal communication:
It is so real — I was immediately talking about the situation, the coercion, consent etc. on a group text with three of my best friends because it struck such a chord. I’m hoping for more follow-up and discussions.
Jezebel, What Are You Doing? Days of silence on the topic, and then what comes forth is not actually the thinkpiece on sexual coercion and the “ways consent can feel blurring”, on how predators purposefully use bullshit excuses about “miscommunication” to get away with it, about how Ansari is more representative of…
This piece is unreal. I’ve been looking for Jez’s take on this for over 24 hours. They haven’t covered it at all except to say that Babe did it badly. Way to have those tough conversations, Jez
Would it have been better if they just published rumors that just happened to be true? They published a women’s account of being pressured into a sexual interaction she wasn’t comfortable with, and one in which the man repeatedly ignored her cues that she was uncomfortable. That’s newsworthy.
Your comment makes no sense. What are you saying exactly? The director and the stunt coordinator were in cahoots to sexually assault people? The writer would have put the scene in there and James Cameron directed it. A grown woman dancing seductively for a movie scene shouldn’t be in the same category as a little girl…
There are two kinds of people: those who would have sex with the Fish Man, and those who are lying to themselves
This becomes more frustrating when you are in a lobby trying to sell millions of dollars worth of drugs or guns.