
Nah, using electricity for transport is an insane win from an emissions standpoint. It’s also vital to get much Africa going renewable and electric now, before their economies mature to the level of Greece and go all in on petrochem. Plus it needs to be every single thing going renewable, not “first power, then cars”.

True, but a disastrous performance from Biden would destroy him. If we could somehow do it without Biden actually being the demo candidate, I would love to watch Trump wreck Joe. It would be a glorious bloodbath. In the real world, I would be drinking ever clear and cranberry until I could stop thinking forever. No

Want a precis of J. O. Encouragement? This is the post to read right here folks. Bra-fukkin-vo.

How's this implicit defense of Neera looking after she fired the union and tried to just relaunch with scabs? She's been awfully quiet these last few days... 

??? Warren is beloved by the media. She’s perfect for them, and has the richest, whitest, and most educated base of any candidate. She’s a clear second choice after Bernie for me, but a distant one. Third choice? Blech, no idea, maybe Yang for the lulz.

But why do you have a problem with him expressing this very mild opinion? For him, it’s a bad value proposition, there’s nothing on there that interests him enough. He’s not hating on anyone who wants to pay, he’s not cussin’ anyone out. But, in your opinion,  he should keep that to himself. Why? We are in the

Wait, so this post says “Nah, I’ll pass.” and he gets shit for it? And is this how low the bar is for being an edgelord?? And starbucks as a hipster place??? I really don’t know wtf is happening here plz expln

Wow, it’s the reincarnation of fukkin Cicero here. Such a steel trap of an argument, it’s like a time window to a world of olive oil, beeves and debate. Bravo.

It might be comforting to think that he will “get his due” but the reality is that he will likely not act like this when he’s outnumbered. He’s not gonna pull this shit everywhere


Just curious, do you know any sex workers? Even as an acquaintance? I highly recommend that you do so, you are coming off as really elitist and patronizing.

yeah but man, that is a bold claim: “MOST UNSAFE VEHIKLE EVARRRRR” Numbers? Stats? And are we talking about Big NHTSA now, deep highway?

not a libertarian, but feel like maybe I should point out that I don’t see any libertarians saying that she got what she deserved or whatever. They are usually pretty pro-privacy.

Why? I mean, I’m sure a bunch of them are faked, but to say that it never happens is pretty total. Would zero ladygasms confirm some philosophical or or moral position that is dear to you?

Ah cool, so we should just abandon cities and re-settle 200 million people into new, smaller towns, waaaay easier than making .5% of the trucks less polluting. Why didn’t we think of this before, you are a genus unto yourself!

lol this needs to be, ten stars

And now the Tempest Cleric 2/ Storm Sorcerer X is legal: full plate, full slots, and a channel divinity that gives maxed out chain lightning. So delicious, and IMHO, it’s a multiclass that makes a lot of thematic sense.

This is the best reply, nicely done.

Stealing this. Dovetails perfectly with Black Panther coming out.

lol perfect reaction, bravo. “Gender switching” typically gendered insults/stereotypes is very effective, one of my very favorites.