
Because he’s a predator. He’s spent his life harassing and assaulting women, and threatening them into silence. And now we know he’s also ruined their careers and lives in other ways. He can’t shut up. It’s him against them, and they were never supposed to be strong enough to overpower him.

I’m a married man and the idea of cheating baffled me - until my wife did. Turns out, humans, relationships, emotions? All complicated.

I really wish the left would drop that angle. Even if you don’t want to tangle with the fact that the two consenting parties are an intern in her early twenties and the president, Clinton has also been sued for having state troopers escort a low-wage clerical employee to his hotel room, where he exposed himself to her

Speaking of Fred Armisen, I was really expecting there to be new accusations about him coming out.

This is what being an ally looks like! Thank you, John Oliver, for using your privilege to hold Hoffman accountable. For any men wondering ‘what do I do’, this is it. You speak up and don’t let abusers get away with idiotic responses.

That’s what scares me most. Innocent kids not being vaccinated due to this crap and dying of preventable diseases, possibly taking other people’s kids who couldn’t be vaccinated due to age or allergies with them. This is the left’s version of that propaganda that places like Fox and Breitbart churn out and is proof

Fuck this woman. Fuck fuck fuck this woman.

It is contradicting because you’re assuming that some people have an innate artistic eye for some things and that it can’t be taught.
What you think of as innate blessing of talent and holiness is really just practice that you weren’t there to witness, is what I’m saying.

False. Artists work hard to hone their skills.

False. Artists work hard to hone their skills.

You see this kid of behavior with tons of shitty prep school, liberal arts college rich kids. They only know other rich white people and fetishisze other people. Hell, Oberlin, where she went to college, is pretty freakin lily white with mostly trust fund kids and middle class kids who got suckered into going to an

CD Projekt Red is the development wing of CD Projekt, the owners and operators of GOG. They’re the fifth largest game company in the West. There is essentially zero chance of them being bought out.

Engage with the work in good faith. I spoke with Chad and Jared Moldenhauer recently for this site and asked about this very thing because I perceived it as well, although not nearly as keenly due to less historical knowledge. I don’t doubt the honesty of their answer but Yussef’s point stands: even if you try hard as

Go fist yourself.

But only one of them has crusts stuffed with disgust- nevermind.

Don’t eat Papa John’s. He’s still a racist, but he just wants to be less overt about it. It’s not for nothing that Nazi numbnuts chose his pizza

If that’s the case, someone should really let Papa John know that. His racist, dog whistle comments about protesters are the reason the Alt-Right jumped on board with his brand.

Chad: What we do know is that we want to stay in the realm of hand-drawn art style for the foreseeable future.

Yep, Fahey has been a bot for years.