Actually it’s not. There’s a “lift” at the end that non German speakers have to say as a two syllable word to get close. Annoys the Crap outta me.
Actually it’s not. There’s a “lift” at the end that non German speakers have to say as a two syllable word to get close. Annoys the Crap outta me.
Exactly how my first gen made me feel. Considering trading my Mustang for the new Miata.
I specifically tell my dealers not to drill holes. Been front plate free (on my good cars anyway) since 1989. Yes I've been ticketed, but only twice.
I walked into Ken Shaw Lexus ready to buy but it was after a shoot in the neighbourhood so I was in jeans and a T-Shirt. I was ignored, nay shunned the entire time I was there. So I left and drive to the local BMW dealer where I was greeted warmly and bought my first of 3 cars from that dealership. Then after another…
My friend, we are all judged by the company we keep. Of course there are exceptions, I too like to believe I am apart from my demographic. But broad “truths” about my demographic are as true as are those about yours.
And only large scale dealer groups at that.
Really? As a multiple business owner; retail, service and professional, I respectfully disagree.
As long as the time spent is value in excess of my billable rate, I don’t consider it wasted. And I quite enjoy negotiating. I understand others don’t, but set pricing in no way favours me, but favours the hiring of less informed sales persons (yes, that is possible), so I’m personally against it.
Today’s youth is so f’ing smart. In such a narrow bandwidth.
Remember when independent Apple stores were independant and you could walk out with a deal on your Mac. I do, and I miss that and the positive impact that had on my bottom line and the dealers I bought from. We both lose now, but Apple continues to win. I'm done with Lexus and as it turns out it wasn't the ugly grill…
Life is always adjusting for the lazy and stupid. And the rest suffer.
The plan is to eliminate condition and consumer power.
The truth though, is we’d all be screwed. At least this way some of us get fair value.
Exactly how it's done.
Exactly. A life skill those who prefer to hide behind a keyboard wish to avoid.
But from your local farm or market and you can negotiate. And get better food at better value to boot.
This. I have constantly beat the price of everyone I talked to when it comes to buying cars. Heck, most things really. Haggling is part of it, establishing personal relationships with local business owners, the other.
If everything goes online how are we all going to make enough to buy anything. Never mind try before we buy as the local owned dealership or mon and pop shops for that matter are doomed. Once there is no real competition there will follow no real choice. Slippery slope we already see affecting personal income.
They’d love to. But right now the power is in the buyers hand as we’ll move on.