
I dunno man.. Aren't you getting a huge Battle Los Angeles feel from this? I am.

Well they stole the Alien computer text noise, so at least they have good taste.

Because they look asian in the cartoon.. Right? ¬_¬

My PS3 is a tank. While I enjoy xbox more in general, I've got through 3 of those 360 failure ridden disappointments. My PS3 is still pulling double duty as my BL player, it's the original run brick, and it has yet to even give me a sideways look after 7 years.

We graduated in movement from hovercrafts to segways.

So people have been enjoying the summer of Yaoi? I wasn't sure there was an audience for all that male cheesecake in the typical anime fandom.

The casting would never be so perfect, don't fool yourself.

The New 3DS also has a more powerful CPU, which means players can download games and content quicker.

One of my all time favorite designs.

Oh make it stop...

Agreed. I wish my golden 3DSXL looked like that.

Yuck..Reminds me of stale mouldy hotdog buns with too much ketchup.

"...and the game's like 'wait, did that really happen?', and I'm like 'yea..' "

I love Dead Space so much that I'd happily eat up another game like 3. I'd much rather it be like 2, or 1 but you know...

I take it I wasn't the only one who posted their favourite mods on your last article.

If you're the only one who thinks so, by definition the weird one is you ;)

pfff, X32 is working on jigglebones for crotchboobs, I'm sure.

(we never left)

Your manner of speech is befitting for your name.