Psshhh.. Just because you don't realize how awesome futa is, doesn't make it bad.
Psshhh.. Just because you don't realize how awesome futa is, doesn't make it bad.
Almost all the improvements are excellent, but as someone playing the reboot right now on PC, I can tell you that the hair is still not there.. You're better off with the moulded look then a ball of twine that looks like it's underwater.
There seems to be a lot of demographical confusion going on. Not to be a hate monger or anything, but how much do the lines of football (European no less) cross over with the love of medieval fantasy?
With Nintendo doing so well in handhelds for the the majority of it's efforts, and the increasing disparity between its home consoles and its competitors, I wouldn't be surprised if the next big handheld doesn't simply claim both functions, with the ability to stream to a TV.
Think about it:
Nintendo hasn't pushed…
Are you giving Vsauce the business? They are so great! Especially Vsauce1, but I still like 2.
That was my first thought too...
How disappointing.
I'd guess because of YouTube's rampant copyright storm.
Whoa.. WHOA, why is this the first I am seeing of this..?
I have waited SO long for a game that had model deformation as well done as Carmageddon.
Damn you Bob.. How are we suppose to compete with this?
While nowhere near fulfilling it's potential, I actually didn't have as much a problem until I saw that last shot overlooking the canyon.. They look too.. smooth? Soft? I can't quite put my finger on it, but as FFVI stands as my favourite Final Fantasy, this is a bit painful. For 80's-90's kids, this is one of their…
With the amount of problems you get in SLI, it should offer plenty of opportunity for drama and stories :p And just to put it into context, this is the second time that ReBoot was suppose to return, only this time Mainframe Entertainment is actually being brought back for this express purpose (they disbanded years…
It's ART
I'm guessing you don't know that's already happening?
Came to Kotaku for nerdy goodness, got a spoiler.
Mission Zero honestly filled that bill pretty well. It's not HD by any means, maybe even lower rez than the original; but it presses all the right buttons. Would I still buy a HD remake of Super Metroid? Fuck. Yes.
THIS. When I saw Samus like that my first thought was "Wow.. they took the toughest woman in the known galaxy and made her look like a bimbo". And then Other M happened... And all my fears were realized.
Oh! I see someone is a Sankaku fan. You've been FOUND OUT, SIR! :O