You’re just playin’ right?
You’re just playin’ right?
But they weren’t projecting their actions on a whole group, they were saying that this group has an issie with a good precentage of it being shitty and thus trying to find non shitty ppl in it to hang out is a fraught endeavor, which is a completely different thing to say
Thanks so much for this, and your other post. I was trying to figure out a way to say something similar, but I think you said it better than I could have. All I can add is a personal anecdote.
It’s also worth pointing out that not all Muslims are against LGTBQ+ rights. There are a lot of good papers written about Islam and homosexuality and how views have evolved and changed over the last few centuries.
Navigating gaming culture to find like-minded people with the same interest is such a minefield. Even when you think you’ve found the exceptions and you’re just casually chatting about Pokemon or Katamari or some other game that doesn’t seem like it should appeal to shitty people, someone will suddenly drop, “I…
We need to talk about his case honestly. Not just curl up into our ideological bubbles.
well aren’t you fun
it’s so fascinating watching white folk talk about war like the op just because it feels closer to home, while us middle easterners have been the poster boys of terrorists and wars for as long as i can remember :(
As an ACTUAL black woman with alopecia, you're wrong. It fucking sucks, the jokes about wigs fucking sucked, the people looking at me from the corner of their eyes fucking sucked, the accompanying depression fucking sucked, the whole thing fucking SUCKS. And you fucking suck.
Why not both? It was a shitty joke, and WS shouldn’t have hit him.
How can you question the idea that it would take courage for a Black woman with alopecia to be seen in public when we’re talking about a time when she went out in public and was publicly mocked for her hair loss on international television by a man who knew exactly how much it would hurt her since he had personally…
Weird, I didn’t know that Palmer Luckey had an underage sister.
““But then why not just use the far cheaper Switch?!” you cry, somewhat belligerently. Well, I reply, yeah, there’s a lot to that. Except that I’ve fifty squillion wonderful PC games on my Steam account that have never had a Switch release, and I like playing them. Never mind the significant point that this is a much,…
7 trucks, 2 bro machines
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces.…
You went through all that trouble of googling a thing, seeing that there is a correlation between lifestyle and bone density (hunter gatherers v farmers) and yet your takeaway is that this is from 1,000 years ago, rather than thinking: HMMMMMMM, if the “sedentary” life of a farmer leads to weaker bones than…
“Our hand wasn’t designed to handle small objects.”
As a person who has lived with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis since age 4, I could have told you all of this from experience!
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy recommends always carrying a towel. Seems like good advice.