Humans thinking it's bad if humans all die is "odd"? You're trying too hard to be edgy.
Humans thinking it's bad if humans all die is "odd"? You're trying too hard to be edgy.
Wild that Adblocker blocks the most important words in this article. It’s almost like the whole piece is an ad for Amazon.
Tongue through the window
I like the idea of some Star Wars superfans being unable to not answer the “It’s a ___” clue with “trap” and thinking that must mean that the correct answer to the other clue is “Star Trek.”
Yeah I should have noticed that.
So you just have to change the body, the suspension, the wheels/tires, the interior, the engine and transmission?
“A draw might be prestigious if Karjakin wasn’t already an international grandmaster and one of the most recognizable and notable chess players in the world”
No, he did the equivalent of holding off his opponent strategically and playing to a draw. No glitching or rule-breaking involved.
I don’t have a lot of empathy for people who deliberately choose misinformation from random people over advice from expert doctors. I don’t have a lot of empathy for people who are fine putting others at risk.
That you read a post where I declared that I’d just been divorced and thought it sounded like a 13 year old girl I feel like says more about you than me. You sound like a boring snob with nothing clever or intelligent to add. If only you were actually a 13 year old girl, perhaps then you might!
TERF rhetoric? Really? Or is this some exaggerated nonsense? If anything RuPaul seems to be very much on the side of trans and NB people, and opposed to TERF shit. You got a link or something to what RuPaul actually said or is this going to be some fourth-hand bullshit? You referring to the dumb comment in 2018, which…
“Eh, so long as those 3.31 million people aren’t me, or anyone I care about, I don’t give a shit.” -America
Interesting how none of these points touch on what was said.
The Mootrix?
It was right there . . .
Imagine a group of nerds having the same interest and putting money together to bring to life a project, while everyone has a share in this project via tokens and can vote what and when to do stuff. More like shares in a company, but now everyone can have access, not just accredited investors with 100k+ of funding.
There’s a formula that may help: Honda > Pontiac