
Why thank you, but it still doesn’t change the fact that Kotaku has ALWAYS talked about things tangential to games themselves.You literally said “stick to game engines” like that’s the only possible topic there is for gaming news.

Yeah! No talk about game soundtracks, or concept art, or stories! Just game engines and only game engines! Better not even talk about the games made with those engines!

Epic Games and the fact Bandcamp is a place to purchase indie gaming soundtracks makes this gaming related. If you can’t handle that, why even read

So exactly how many pairs of headphones have you purchased because you liked the anime girl drawing on them?

The part where you remove the context of the missions? The goal of the Japanese mission was to land on the moon... They crashed, so mission failed. The goal of SpaceX’s launch was to flight test the combined Starship and Heavy Booster. While it would have been wonderful for it to work perfectly the first time, that’s

That’s in comparison to his 400-500 mile trips. They still drive their kid to school and I assume pick them up, and other activities. You have no idea what that drive is like. Plus they probably do normal outings and stuff, so pretty normal usage that it would be nice to just not have to deal with gas ever.

So a whiskey soda? Which is definitely a thing already. Scotch and soda is also a thing... and since a lot of sparkling wines have sugar added, you could almost count a 7 & 7 as sparkling whiskey.

Jack Black’s band literally got its own full production Hollywood movie, The Rock might be The Rock in every Movie but the movie The Rock isn’t about The Rock and he isn’t even in it. Jack Black’s also had a longer musical and movie career than Dwayne Johnson, this just seems like a weird take as he seems to have sort

This last time he also back Betsy Johnson to try and syphon aware more centrist voters, so it’s not even that he backs Republicans he likes or anything like that.

This is actually a UK vs US difference, not a matter of some people just saying it wrong. Since Luke is from Australia, it’d make sense that a commonwealth country would follow UK stylings. I don’t actually know if they refer to leasing as the lease of a vehicle, as opposed to the lease being on a vehicle, but holding

I give this a 5/7 for the attempt, but still comes off a bit as a “How do you do, fellow kids” attempt.

The fuel gauge warning is a good point, but they also usually tell you what side you fill up on as well and people get that wrong constantly. Also without seeing the dash I’m assuming there’s a nice distance to empty digital display that draws a lot more attention than the fuel gauge. I’m not saying it’s not a dumb

A) That is a different line of argument then your original point.

B) Wouldn’t the onus be on Cadillac to tell the reviewer what vehicle they’re giving them to review? The reviewer didn’t go to them asking specifically to test drive their diesel escalade, which would be analagous to your original point, Cadillac gave

But this person didn’t buy a diesel Cadillac, they were loaned one for reviewing, so they had no previous intention or knowledge it was a diesel.

Using this bag of sour patch kids, show us who hurt you...

The only real exception to this I can think of is the movie Aliens.

Because fuck that doctor, that’s why.

There’s a difference in primarily hiring, and exclusively hiring though. Even if the industry is male dominated, that doesn’t explain the entire lack of women on the development team... Let’s say it’s 90/10 split, and the team is 50 people, nobody is even saying there should be exactly 40/10 men to women as a ration,

I literally work next to game developers and with multiple engineers at multiple studios and just about everyone I’ve interacted with is very much on the progressive side of things. So while you might miss out on some interesting/good games by avoiding those made by asshats, you could easily keep gaming.

Also, people

Your stance seems reasonable except you’re ignoring everything the police did after the initial swatting event. Also the fact this department was informed in advance and ignored it. So no they aren’t “just people” working with the information they have. They’re purposefully ignoring the available information and are ac

Actually Squadron 42 and Star Citizen were part and parcel, it was never a case that the single player experience was the one pitched and the mmo aspects took over. What gets me is that it seems like they could have just had a first S42 game that didn’t have “every” feature, and done sequels as new features were