Jason Park is a veteran artist who has worked in both video games (for companies like EA) and animation (on shows…
Jason Park is a veteran artist who has worked in both video games (for companies like EA) and animation (on shows…
Kurt Warner isn't taking to the internet to call for genocide, though, and he does have that going for him.
I didn't think she looked "bad" so much as she was needlessly and inappropriately sexed up.
Identifying harmfulness and saying we can do better as an industry is not the same as attempting to censor the works or prevent them from being created. Here ya go
Um, I writhe in discomfort at having to defend an anti-choice issue, but they're not worked up about her failing to produce children. They're the few anti-choicers that aren't *complete* hypocrites regarding their dogma on this issue.
Ooh ooh me me me.
"I felt a great disturbance in France, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened."
There was a simmering anger about people like me — "Social Justice Warriors", as they call us — who are asking for change in the game industry: a better, broader representation of characters, among other things. We're "the cancer that's killing games", and Kotaku is seen as the key enemy site, with Polygon a close…
Why do the best gaming mice almost never come w/ a wireless option? I get the performance piece for professional gamers, but for Joe Schmo gamer who just wants a bad ass wireless mouse, it's kinda lame.
Ass-related insults 101:
I think he needs to look up "ostensibly" to really get the picture. Also, I feel dirty because when trying to star your response I accidentally starred the GG apologist HumanAbyss's.
I don't think anything you said is at odds with what I wrote.
What if it is gamers, dude?
2014 Jalopnik Batshit Babe Contestants
i like the cut of your jib, sir
The 1983 sit-down Star Wars vector graphic arcade game is everything to me. Now that we have a house, I have alerted my wife to the fact that I will be buying it at some point in the future.
These kittens must be male, because you know, including female kittens would have caused the production of this video to be way over budget.
If you're going to spend money on ketchup, there's only one you need: http://www.amazon.com/Organic-Natura…