
Seems the normal edition of Watch Dogs is down to $38 which on its own is a decent deal, too, for people who don't need statues.


I mean, you may be right about some of that (at least in terms of discerning motives), but I have to ask... "supposed" social issues?

What puzzles me is that a lot of these are the same people who got so mad when Ebert insisted that games couldn't be art. Now they are being treated like art: examined and criticized

Dude who the fuck told you all those lies?

Maybe so. But in a case where it's a girl who strictly communicates with him online. And who found him through an online medium I'm pretty sure that this person should have an online trail.

Is that a cartoon of Zach Galifinakis... ?

Exactly! I'm not saying calling a sketchy room the "rape room" is a totally awesome and hilarious thing to do, but the real issue is how they reacted when she asked them to stop. Another major issue is the implicit misogyny when a bunch of men fire a woman because they think she's overreacting to a rape joke.

Well, at least something about this game is entertaining to me.

If that's the case, I'd never invite myself to my parties.

coincidentally, those are the same tools you'd use to get information from someone.

Trust me - if you live in Hawaii for any length of time, this rings absolutely true.

Strange how we insist that people like a 97-year-old woman living in a nursing home (who has no need for a drivers license) present an official ID lest they tarnish and/or demolish the foundation of democracy, and yet people will fight tooth and nail against submitting an ID to buy a gun.

I live in Texas. I am not blind, but I'm also not racist.

This is a perfect case of "if you look hard enough for something you can find it anywhere." Just go ahead and ignore how classically handsome Jimmy and Raj got, how ripped Kevin is, and how hipster hot Edd is. But then it wouldn't fit your world view, and we can't have that.

Angels and saints aren't male and female versions of the same thing, technically. Not sure what you're getting at. Joan of Arc, female, saint. Archangel Michael, male, angel.

Guys... look at his name.

I think that I, like many people, aren't offended but just amazed at the oversight.

You mean 23.976... Right??!

Very good point. "Only 1 star on this citrus salmon! I didn't have salmon so I used chicken and instead of citrus I used buttermilk and added bacon fat because that's how my grandma always cooked people these days are too worried about their health I also figured 425 seemed high for chicken so I baked it at 325 for