
Made me think of this.

Yeah you guys remember when Hillary Clinton got a blowjob from Monica Lewinsky and so the fact that that happened is relevant to her campaign for the presidency?

“I think is frankly terrible, especially if she wants to play the woman card.”

I used to live in Montgomery County myself, and the MILF-hunting lawyer seems less interested in correcting the record than in blindly defending Castor, who just got his ass handed to him in a November election (which itself is a pretty big part of the answer to “why charges now?”). MILFman is probably drinking

Sheesh man, I’m not a Deadstan, but pardon Diana if she isn’t immediately ready to trust every last resume detail from an Internet commenter named MILF Hunter. I mean, at least tack on Esquire, heh.

The crux of your argument rests on your claim that she said it was ONLY groping. That wasn’t her testimony at all. She claimed she was totally out of it and was barely conscious. That’s not a state in which you can ascertain that ONLY groping happened.

As literally the only shred of evidence they had was her own testimony, and she now had contradictory prior recollections, they had no case.

Not mentioned: the newly-elected DA who’s bringing the charges. The Cosby case became a huge deal in the recent election, where Kevin Steele (the DA-elect) called out the incumbent for not prosecuting Cosby. He’s not even officially the DA yet and he got this case together in the two months since the election.

No, in fact that’s not only not obvious but conflicts with the complaint filed in court. This is a screenshot from a section discussing a phone conversation he had with Andrea Constand’s mom on Jan. 17, 2005:

Understood. Yeah, relying on cops to investigate and prosecutors to prosecute rape cases is a losing proposition. Hopefully, now that one domino has fallen, other prosecutors will be more inclined to follow suit. As many cases as possible need to be brought to ensure justice be done for his victims. Putting all eggs

That’s $41 per woman forced into sex slavery, seventy years after the war ended. In 1942 dollars, that would be, what, a few cents? That’s bullshit.

Treating a pet like they are human can be bad, behavior-wise, and health-wise. Respecting them and considering them to be, in their own capacity, a member of the family isn’t harmful.

My first cat died after a difficult bout of renal failure. It was horribly wrenching to watch her energy and spirits wane until the end. A couple of years later my mom died of metastasized cancer. My grief had a different color but both hurt me deeply in an unquantifiable way. My mom wouldn’t have been insulted to

I don’t really like men very much as a group and people have them all over the place, misbehaving and carrying on.

When my dog died a few years back it broke my heart in a way I hadn’t seen many people grieve over a pet. I thought I was crazy. But even though he was my pet, he was kind of like my then-bf, now husbands, first run at raising a living creature together. And he was fucking awesome. I stayed in bed for weeks and it was

I really don’t think it’s that simple.

If someone is heavily pregnant, and cannot pick up dog poo, they should not be assigned the task of walking the dog.