
Five bucks says that the “recovery” operation consists of restoring the contents of the various Recycle Bins on the local machines, or at most, a Recuva session.

Apparently they “wiped their computers” before they left. I’m interested to see what comes out of that recovery operation.

They claimed that the strain would cause women’s uteri to fall out or that they would become musclebound and grow hair on their chests.

Matt Damon would not hit a horse, you and the author are thinking of Mongo Damon.

And we even know that serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine play a role in many mental illnesses, and also are key neurotransmitters in inhibiting pain in a normally functioning nervous system. Hence why depression can physically make you hurt, and why some antidepressants are used in treating all kinds of chronic

But it often is physical in a sense. If you were to do an MRI on these people’s brain, you can see that they’re experiencing pain. It seems real because it is real.

“shoppers’ fixation on promotional prices” I see so many brands blaming customers for this! Don’t set your prices so high and then have 30% off all the time if you don’t want us to get used to it.

Yeah, for all we know, he might not even be the father. She might be a cheetah.

It's not that mature women aren't supposed to wear Eileen Fisher, it's that we're supposed to Go Away.

That lady who immediately rushed over wearing the mini-trench coach as a cape is a superhero.

If I could promote this comment, I would.

A lot of babies are not overly cute.

How about "Your pet is a total creeper dog that shows up at the most awkward times and makes uncomfortable eye contact with you during coitus".

Our dog always knows when it's sexy time. He runs and gets his favorite stuffed bunny and brings it on the bed and humps it. (Needless to say, he gets done a lot quicker than we do.) It was weird having him on the bed at first but we're used to it now. It was better than having him whine and scratch at the door, and

Since they teach NFP, their other 11 kids were totally planned, right? Man. I'd be all, you have how many kids? Yeah, NFP totally works!

I just saw the thing about eating clay and was like “oh fuuuuuuck, now a bunch of girls are gonna start eating dirt”

It’s always awkward when Southern Omaha Women’s Clinic introduces himself to someone new.

My brother was the result of an unplanned pregnancy. My mom was pretty upfront about it, but in a kind way. That still didn’t stop me as a kid from tormenting my brother over it.

"...while doctors may "know medicine," they're not the best people to ask about guns or gun laws: "[A]s a group they don't have any specialized knowledge of firearms or firearm policy."