
Another factor: the middle of the country doesn't have as much of a pedestrian culture — there's limited public transportation, the cities are more spread out because they're built for drivers, there are fewer places within walking distance, and the temperatures are more extreme (less comfortable to walk in the height

Because everybody here in the middle weighs fifty pounds more due to all the casseroles.

Fantastic analogy. I hate to be judgmental, but unless you're stuck on a plane with no other options, there are SO many other fulfilling ways to use your time than watching that show. Even sitting silently is a good option.

YES, THIS. I always feel weird about being white-passing in America because it's like, "I so know this bitch would treat me like shit if she knew I was mixed, cause I just saw how she sneered at the Asian dude in front of me in line." At the same time, my existence feels like I'm punking a lot of white supremacists

Sadly, in hollywood, writing/directing/producing characters that are outside of their specified "stereotypes" is something that takes huge balls and bravery. It does happen, but they all know that dumb shows like the Big Bang Theory get the biggest ratings, and that show is one gross stereotype after another. Its a

I think the show is delightful. It's campy and over-the-top for sure but it's delightful.

John Cho needs to be in all the shows and movies.

Re: "Your not ethnic enough", I'm ambiguously ethnic and it bothers the hell out of people that they can't place me right away. I always want to ask "why, so you know how to treat me based on my ethnicity?"

Well, good. I wish we had that in the US. There are deeper issues in the US that aren't as prevalent in Europe as a whole, even with birth rate differences.

Before we start praising France as a reproductive paradise, consider that French women have to wait 7 days for an abortion because the state and the family are "working so closely together" that the second an egg is fertilized the state interest in the family starts to override personal autonomy. The same thing that

France exports more goods per capita than the US does, they export a bit more than 1/3 of what the US does with not even 1/5 of the population. They are the fifth largest exporter of goods in the world.

Yeah, I'm relieved that Dr. Meghan Trainor's mom could clear that one up for us.

my father is a Thai citizen, my stepmother is Thai, my little brother is Thai. while sure women aren't allowed to touch monks and there are places where behaviour is expected to be at a certain level Thailand is hardly a pinnacle of virtue and it markets bawdiness just as much as it markets it holy relics. Don't kid

Manegeress? Good Lord. She had no problem taking the feministic approach with her name.

Not my acid freakout, but one of close friends: we were tripping in a tent, me, her, my now-husband, and a kid now-husband picked up at the music festival's water pumps as he filled up our gallons in preparation for an impending thunderstorm. Of course we decided the middle of what turned out to be the biggest storm

I once witnessed a friend's child sob "YOU'RE RUINING MY LIFE... AND MY DAY!"

Awwwwwwwwwww. My family still does "It's PRECIOUS TO MEEEEEEE," because that's what I would sob at my mother when she'd throw away the garbage/scraps of rando paper from under my bed.

as a too-old-to-throw-tantrums child, 8 or 9, after a day hiking, Dad would not let me bring my walking stick home in the car. My filthy, rotting, branch I'd been using as a walking stick. Complete meltdown, screaming sobbing in the mud;

I'm surprised the writer didn't go with throwing shade—HELLO THROWING! That's a sports word!