
I didn't think it was so much him as the fact that no one takes this stuff seriously until a guy says it. He could give women's voices on sexual harassment more of a platform but I'm not sure how else he can do that besides how he's doing it - pointing out that women are saying this and it matters.

Gawd, I knew I would find this in the comments. The fact that it's feminists who are criticizing him the most proves that, once again, feminists are feminism's worst enemies. We say we want allies but I guess by "allies", we mean "silent masochistic punching bags". It's kinda sad when you're just as disgusted by the

So, I haven't really found information that better outlines what sort of relevance medical records need to have to be accessible by the school for litigation purposes under FERPA but these records would have been accessed anyway, without the law and even if she went to off-campus counseling. One of the claims in her

I thought the "elaborate for us" thing was a bit obtuse. Pretty clear he meant the rampant misrepresentation of feminism in mass media, perpetrated by its enemies.

Are we really giving an ally a hard time for not understanding the literal definition of feminism and using societal cues from those around him to inform his idea of what it means? Yes, that was a mistake, but he rectified it, and is doing his best to try and be a good ally now.

Oh my god these jeans are killlllllllllling me.

Ali is totally willing to grant his new wife a divorce, provided she pay back her dowry....

I heard if a woman has had three children, and you put your ear to her vagina, you can hear the ocean.

Ditto in Wisconsin. They made the change when I was in junior high, because while they somehow were okay with 50% student absenteeism, they got to the point where they couldn't find substitute teachers for all the teachers calling in "sick".

That last part - ironic, no? *facepalm*

Goddammit, Tyler.

I really like this idea for professional settings, but it gets a little weird with mandatory schooling. Say you're a teacher. Half your class is in religion A and the other in religion B. Without a school holiday for important religious occasions, you're losing half your class a few times a year. Do you go ahead and

Well, Easter does move around on a very weird schedule (the first Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon, the full moon that occurs on or soonest after 21 March) because it is obviously a remnant of a far more ancient celebration having to do with springtime, not an actual anniversary of a (supposed) event.) So, yeah, it

It's rather ridiculous that we celebrate Columbus Day anyway. The man never set foot on the land that is now the United States (something I'm sure the Native People here were immensely grateful for, considering what terrible things he did to the Native Peoples he did run across.)

It's public school for a reason. It represents ALL of the public. With a large enough Muslim population the major holidays should be respected.

This is great and has the added benefit of making the Muslim kid in each class the cool one who got you two more days off school.

I found it really hard living in US, I just remember my co-worker coming back a few days after giving birth because she could not afford to go without being paid for two weeks (Unpaid maternity leave is mandated only only for companies with 50 or more employees within a certain amount of miles and you have to work

when I was in high school in Michigan, the high schools and middle schools allowed kids to take the whole first week of deer hunting season off.

This is so important. I grew up in CA where Mexican American children often miss several days or even a week of school a year because the districts don't break when most Mexican families travel for the holidays. This directly impacts children's scholastic success. And it is ridiculous, when a significant number if not