
Thank you for this- I was seriously surprised when she told me!

I really want them to adopt your phrasing here: "encourage everyone who would keep a pregnancy to get folic acid." Why is it verboten to acknowledge that some women will not only choose to terminate an unplanned pregnancy, but are capable of knowing this in advance?

I agree that it's the CDC's job to raise the alarm on public health issues, but I'm dismayed that their approach has so often centered around treating women as incubators who need to stop doing bad things that might endanger the fetuses they might eventually end up carrying, rather than as humans with their own health

Women do go to the doctor more than men in general, and this is reflected in the studies, but studies also show that doctors tend to dismiss women's complaints of pain more than they do men's complaints. So these things probably cancel each other out.

I'm not sure if someone mentioned this already (so apologies if so), but Stevens was driving a US Soccer van, which is sooo not okay. Most people think that this is the actual reason for suspension.

Vagnoni is 56, a few years older than I am (I'm at the boom's end.). When she writes about the ideas boomers have about how parents should be treated, I have to laugh. Boomers treated their parents like garbage. They had tons of advantages. The kind no group before or since had.

I am glad that Wes Anderaon won something. This almost makes up for Moonrise Kingdom getting snubbed. ALMOST.

Wow...The negative comments on this post, is astounding to me. So, lets see. We have a first time nominee, who probably had NO expectation of winning, and people are just tearing apart a very good speech.

Some Tuaregs have aligned themselves with militant Islamists. The majority of the Tuareg people are pretty marginalized and prefer to be nomadic. There are in effect two separate rebellions going on; one decades-old, led by Sufis that is economic and nationalist, they want separation from Mali and the formation of

The meat is slaughtered in the same way Halal meat is slaughtered, and a lot of the dietary regulations are the same, thus the food adheres to standards in both religions. This is why Jews often shop in Halal markets if there's not a convenient Kosher one, and vice versa.

I'm going to be sad not to partake in the lingerie pillow flights of the all women's flight... but I am a bit curious about the all men plane.

Me too! It's about time. While we're at it, let's demand a generous gay man-to-bi-curious-college-football-player ratio on the plane and lower the inside lights....

Well isn't that the enameled pot calling the ramekin beige?

"It is possible that men are probably more affected by their own roles and image as partners, than by the actual feelings of their partner," said Professor Frijters.

Oh wait, I think I know this one. I think you have to take the aggressive dog across the river first, and then you bring the other one over and take the aggressive one back with you, and then take another one across. Something like that. I think the cats are just fucked.

What the fuck? This is insane. This woman caught ebola while she was caring for a dying man in a hospital that didn't have proper procedures/training in place to keep her from catching ebola, and then she informed the CDC that she wasn't feeling well, but was told she was fine. By the CDC. Who are, theoretically,

My dog loves me and I know that. He sleeps with me most nights and when scared climbs up in my lap (he is 50 pounds so that is always fun). When my mom takes him on a walk he runs to me when he gets back into the house to say hi and lay on me. He is my heart and soul. And yet I could just imagine him being ornery

I was being totally non-violent and got committed to a psych ward. I tried to walk out of a hospital because I hadn't been seen after four hours. I took a morning after pill after a sexual assault and came to the hospital. I wanted a rape kit and they kept delaying and delaying and finally I said "fuck it, I'm out"

I guess I am pretty much in the minority here, but I am having a hard time with the disgust leveled at Amber Vinson over this. Here on the local news (I'm in Akron) they made a huge deal like this business owner was being sued for the deposit when in reality the letter is reasonable and even pleasantly worded. They

"You can take this medicine or you can die. I don't care which you choose."