
Am I the only one who thinks that Erin Andrews didn't look one bit afraid? MAYBE a little shocked, but not frightened. That didn't even cross my mind until I heard Michael Strahan said something - condescendingly, if you ask me - to the effect of "Wow, you scared scared Erin a little bit there Richard." Which is just

It doesn't really seem like Andrews is petrified at all. She comes right back at him with a clarifying question and it sounds like she was totally prepared to keep going with the interview but was forced to cut it off. Given it's her job to interview gigantic men in really keyed up circumstances, this situation was

How is standing in the middle of a crowded football field, in front of live cameras, in a controlled environment interviewing an amped up athlete petrifying for a seasoned sports journalist? How is that "petrifying"? You can't blame Kayla for her blindness to her racial bias. Many people are blind to it, many people

Yeah, holy shit. I'm a stage 5 clinger anytime I get into a relationship now, and almost all of it can be attributed to my parents' divorce as a 10 year old.

I am grateful that my ex's are ex's.

Yeah, the beach bodies spread is horrible, but isn't Jezebel really just piling on by scanning and uploading the images while talking about how awful they are? It's also the only expandable image of any of the figures.

My big question is...why did Lochte (who I am now convinced is either a golden retriever under a curse to appear human, OR GW Bush's secret love child with a mermaid) seriously go on to describe what's in a bathroom to the hosts?! Lochte, you know I try to defend people from being all "hur hur shut up and look

OK, yes. You CAN have weak Women of Color characters. Because everybody's just human. BUT why is it that the weak characters are CONSISTENTLY people of color? Why is it that characters who are people of color are consistently shallow (in terms of characterization) and one-dimensional?
If you argue that JK Rowling made

It's so funny. Because this is what WOC are talking about we talk about white women not listening/ dismissing our concerns. And obviously this is a book, I would rather talk about the income inequality gap between white women and women of color, but in a larger sense it is representative of how white women treat woc.

This comments section is why WOC can't with white women. The point of the poem is about how JK Rowling used a WOC to prop up and flesh out a white character and relied on problematic racist stereotypes. Something can happens frequently in all types of entertainment and media. Instead of talking about this issue and

Another thing, in the Chinese edition of Harry Potter, Cho Chang is transliterated to 张秋 Zhang1 Qiu1 (in Chinese, family name goes first, qiu is Chinese for autumn).

OK, can we not focus on the name/country? The fact remains that there IS implicit racism in books (not just JK Rowling's).

A random Muslim was attacked the same day as the bombings. He looked suspicious bc he was running away. I believe Jez covered it.

Thank you! Why the extremes? Just work your software matrix so that I don't show up in a dude's results unless he meets MY criteria too, you know? And don't objectify the guy and treat it like a shopping trip unless I can do free 2-day shipping, and return for free!

I felt the same way, but I also think that look-ism is the context in which women build their their self-identity, so you kind of have to work with it. If women swallow toxic messages about their worth based on their beauty, then redeeming that sense of beauty can be transformational. Though, I agree, it's also a

but it's not specifically a grass taste. It's not pretentious. It's specific. It's what you do to best describe the nuances in a wine to people with refined palates who can tell the difference between "grassy" and "vegetal." Does the average person ordering wine online or ordering it in a restaurant know the

"Vegetal" means it tastes like vegetation. You know, green plants. Like grass. It's also a term used by perfumers to describe grassy smells. It couldn't be more literal. I don't understand the confusion.

It may be the long distance changed you or him to make you more incompatible, or something changed that is irreconcilable. But it could also just be you aren't feeling as close after being long distance, and need to ease back into it. I felt similarly after a long distance relationship. It didn't last bc of various

Those people saying you cannot have liver pain are misinformed. There are nerves that are part of your visceral/autonomic nervous system that go to and around your liver. They are not meant to send pain signals, they are meant to send regulatory signals to the organs (viscera.) But they can send pain signals,