
welcome back

he choked the lion to death while defending himself.

Dammit you’re ruining my joke!

Lame. A bunch of facts about a real gun when I can watch a made up documentary about a Star Wars gun. I found the made up gun more interesting.

I like how the artist used blue and grey as the colors for that comic.

So dumb. So good.

Well, at least it looks like his hat gets his jokes.

She-sounds like-a nice-girl. I'm-happy for-them.


If he didn’t kill anyone, then why did he give that quote?

Nobody: (applauds)

to be technical, you’ve got a part standing for the whole, so it’s a synechdookie

From the title on down, this article is pure poetry. 

For those curious, the last double triple-double was posted by Lavar Ball and Lavar Ball.

I was hoping for this Spider-Man story. :-(

You know you’re salty when you can convince yourself college basketball is superior to the NBA. 

SHAME ON YOU! There's no reason to be sorry.

You can’t just make up names.