
Dave Grohl and his classic rock band the Foo Fighters

I believe the proper pluralization is “Kansases City”

Like most hegemonic works, Mulan just doesn’t hold up to a lot of scrutiny: Its tiny flaws start to manifest themselves over time, becoming more and more apparent as the world moves forward.

+1 life insurance policy

Going through a client’s (or prospective client’s) tweets and calling out any potential problems should be one of the first things an agent does. I would expect that will be the norm going forward.

he has been since 2002

Assuming the sale of the team goes through in a few weeks as stated in the article, the NFL will never get this money our of Richardson, correct? Unless the fine goes against the team and not the individual owner?

This is great. No one hates Star Wars quite as much as Star Wars fans do.

When I was in high school I was at a friend’s house and her 1- or 2-year old nephew was running around. He fell down pretty hard, but during that pause before he reacted, his mom was quick to yell “Everyone smile!” and of course his reaction was mild.

Normally any reply that starts with “So, you’re saying...” is willfully misrepresenting the original statement, but this one appears to be spot on.

It’s notable that the Browns have no bad contracts either.

On either the parent device or your son’s device:

Are we just ignoring the fact that he called the dude Josh?

Well sure, on the third one he’s facing the opposite direction.

And don’t tell me square cuts are better. Square cuts blow.

My cousin made twice that much working from home on her home PC computer! Ask me how!

I can’t be the only one who never signed off on “loneliness is cleanliness,” right?

I’ve noticed more and more people using “shit” as an adjective instead of a noun, i.e., “this is shit pizza.” This is fucking stupid and wrong.

I know, I totally forgot he played for Orlando too.

I tried the ice cube thing with my son except instead of an ice cube I used a box of simulated pain and instead of becoming more mindful he became the Kwisatz Haderach. YMMV.