Both the Toyo R888 and the Yokohama A048 look like the same damn tire with Yokohama having better advertising.
Both the Toyo R888 and the Yokohama A048 look like the same damn tire with Yokohama having better advertising.
It's the same argument as digital vs. traditional paintings, it's for the anal retentive to argue about, and the painters and viewers to enjoy.
Nice triptych.
Have YOU looked at the Wikipedia article on petroleum jelly? It was something found on an oil rig, used on cuts and burns for it's healing properties. What is remotely bad about that?
Which warframe is your avatar? For er... research purposes.
What the actual fuck was carrot top on? That was rhythmically incomprehensible.
What's wrong with cannibalism? If that's all that's around... Good calories and protein.
Eh, first album, some of the second one, and after that she kinda began trying too hard.
Come on guys, he's obviously a troll.
I agree somewhat with your first point. CPR on a stranger? No. If Galt were to keep Taggart alive it would be because losing her would be a loss to himself.
Pretty ridiculous. I'm an Objectivist, and I think all people should provide for themselves, and only provide for others if there is a selfish thing to be attained. So... Male or female, get a grip and do for yourself. If you can not, you're not fit to reproduce or survive. I wholeheartedly agree with that, and yes,…
Does it? They should buy it themselves.
No one is restricting jack shit. You are free to purchase your own birth control, etc. but your job isn't going to give it for free. Big whoop.
That never fails to make me feel happy and empty all at once.