
I saw a tweet responding to some chode who was all “herp derp real men don’t take paternity leave” that said, “Tell me you’re a shitty coparent without telling me you’re a shitty coparent.”

It’s an epidemic. I’m an “outsider” to the convo (childless), but I’m watching the women in my life really struggle because toxic masculine bullshit has them virtually parenting alone.

My brother in law will let his kid leak shit on the floor and scream at his (busy with the other kid) wife rather than change a diaper.

It takes some kind of brass to have zero self awareness for the fact that when his daughters were infants, he was either a) In Vegas commentating on cage fighting. b) On a comedy tour with his comedy buddies. c) On a TV shoot or podcast studio.

This fucking thinking is why we don’t even have a federal statute even guaranteeing MATERNITY leave! The way the Democrats are going, we’re not going have that change anytime soon. The birth rate is literally dropping, because this society has made it extremely expensive and difficult to raise children. It doesn’t

make it a deal breaker, I suggest

The second Joe Rogan sticks a cantaloupe up his ass launches it out and handles the next 2 to 5 months with out any help I'll give a shit about his opinion on paternity leave. 

*shit like this is why I basically refuse to date men that are Rogan fans. It isn’t an immediate dealbreaker, but it is a huge red flag and there are a lot of follow-up questions when I find out.

I’m not shocked a guy that looks like he sweats bacon grease and won’t go to the doctor unless something is literally falling off of him doesn’t get that parenting is a two person job. And for “mom” to enjoy her leave “dad” should be there to take over and so they can take breaks. What garbage. Then again, last year

I can think of someone, mentioned in this article, who would have benefitted from having their dad spend more time with them.

At least based on the ones I’ve known, I’d say it’s more like they’re Libertarian leaning Dems. Putting them in a weird little overlap where they believe in some liberal policy, but also tend to think that social issues are just a distraction from the all important economics, and somehow think the two are completely

I received almost no help or support after my son was born or during my pregnacy. My mother had dementia and was house bound and my partner couldn’t be bothered. There were other issues at play then, but, the resentment that built up against him - let’s just say that we will never be as close as we could be. Judging

One of the (many) reasons I haven’t wanted to have kids is the abysmal leave policies we have. Sure I can take maternity leave but I also don’t want to be alone with a kid for the first 12 weeks of a child’s life.

I work for an organization that offers “non-birth parent” leave, and know men who are reluctant to take it because of the stigma that people like Rogan* perpetuate. Or they take it, are glad they did, but still come back to questions like “did you enjoy your time off?” (no asshole, I didn’t sleep for three weeks and

People like this had fathers who were absent and they make jokes about it as a defense mechanism. They probably wanted fathers who were around, who made them a priority but they didn’t. So now in their jealousy they think no one else is entitled to that.

Right?? They’re acting like it’s a free vacation....with a brand new human who sleeps or not when it feels like, cries to tell you ANYTHING, has breakfast lunch and dinner out of your body that also just went through likely the most violent internal experience you’ll ever have, wracked with hormones and emotions and

I can’t imagine wanting so badly to tell on oneself that your only real contribution to the raising of your child(ren) is being an ATM.

“When someone in government, who is a man, who didn’t give birth, and there is two of them, and they both are off work and they get free money or what happens?”

So you only have to breastfeed a child, they don’t need to eat or be looked after at all if they aren’t breasftfed. And twins!! Looking after newborns is exhausting, let alone 2 of them at the same time. The US has such a fucked up idea of what a functioning society looks like

Free money? Pete Buttigieg is the Sec of Transportation, I believe he earns a paycheck for his work.