
Oh, I do get that part of it, wanting to protect a language is important, its a critical building block in a culture.

...does even France go this far with this parochial bullshit? Because holy shit, this is some really vile reactionary crap.

The problem as seen is that quebecers are the only place in America where you have a french dominant society. That + the history of discrimination Quebecers/french canadian. (Discrimination that still exist but especially in the rest of Canada for education)

I get the French is our ‘2nd language’ but in reality... it’s such a small part of the country that speaks it and it’s all hyperlocalized to one area.  Our true second language, by the numbers, would probably be Tagalog, Mandarin or Punjabi.  Canada has spent it’s whole history trying to placate Quebec though.

I mean they’re not French but it’s not like we spend much time thinking about Québec at all in France. Belgium or the UK, sure, there’s a more or less friendly rivalry, but Québec???

I’m going to add Disney. I do not get the appeal. At. All. If I had kids, I might go once, or if I lived nearby, but I know people who go every year. They spend tons of money to travel there, stay in a hotel, and go to a place with crowds, kids, and lines. That’s my idea of Hell.

I’m no Talmudic scholar, but I don’t think it’s always just an issue of life and death (even for more religious Jews). I think when you’re dealing with issues of, say, mental health, for example, it’s a lot greyer (e.g., someone with anxiety vs. someone severely incapacitated by their mental health issues).

Jewish leaders across the spectrum have always argued that Judaism views abortion differently than Christianity.

Because abortion was legal. I do remember seeing a Samantha Bee segment last year where this was discussed.

This kinda stuff is also why Jews are driven up the wall by Christians who love saying “Judeo-Christian”. There are multiple reasons why it’s inappropriate but my beliefs as a Jew are nowhere NEAR whatever the hell a lot of Christianity is apparently supposed to be these days. Yes, I know, they’re all bad Christians.

There’s something I don’t actually get about the current SCOTUS decision here. Not striking down Roe vs Wade, that you could see coming, but something I do feel is at the core of Roberts’s concerns.

Republican liar.

This right here. Anyone who thinks what the supreme court is doing here will end at abortion rights, they are wrong, wrong, wrong. The United States is on a very dark path that will entail rolling back the civil rights we have enjoyed for just 2 short generations (and for some, even less than that).

The reasoning is identical to overturning all three concepts.

Majority of the country supports abortion access:

How is this not the lead story? I mean, I enjoy the coverage of the Met gala as much as the next person, but I haven’t felt this sinking feeling in my stomach since Trump was elected — and I’m Canadian. 

It starts with Roe and Casey. They’ll return abortion to the states and create a patchwork quilt of laws that will result in chaos and a body count of desperate women who will be forced to turn to back-alley providers. The next time they have power, they’ll push for national abortion bans, or bans at 6 weeks or 15

Alito actually explicitly says Lawrence v. Texas and Obergefell v. Hodges were incorrectly decided as per the same logic as this ruling in this opinion.

You won’t even be viewed human.

I’m actually shocked they stop at six weeks, for one.