
I’ve been shouting about Roe being in jeopardy since GWB/2000.  And the current SCOTUS bench is the GOP reaping the benefits of all those years of seeding the lower courts.

Not that it erases Trump’s appointments, but Biden has appointed 40 in just his first year. It’s been one of the few bright spots in the Senate and one of the only areas where Manchin and Sinema haven’t gotten in the way. Hopefully Schumer will keep churning them out since all of that will grind to a halt if Democrats

I will never not hate these people. “I’m voting my conscience!” Well done, dipshit.

That is so frustrating. I got the same eye roll when I said that Roe was in jeopardy especially if Trump won. Now it’s “Well these other cases aren’t in jeopardy. It’s silly to even suggest otherwise."

Republicans are much more willing to “do what it takes” to entrench their views, while a large body of Democrats are still holding onto the concepts of fairness and bipartisanship.

I just don’t understand what they plan to do about the legal mess this would create in regards to those who are currently married under the law and who have things like insurance, custody and other contractual situations tied directly to this. And you won’t resolve the problem where if a marriage is legally recognized

I will just sit over here drinking my water with the rest of the 90+% of voting black women that voted for the qualified woman in 2016.

I hope the Log Cabin Republicans and finally come to their senses. Lower taxes is not worth any of these and in the end they always pay more taxes than all the billionares so who they fighting for? I really don’t get them.

And all because a bunch of bitter voters thought by not voting for Hillary, they were sticking it to The Man.

So, theoretically... What if Breyer just say... took out two of the conservatives on his way out?

Oh mark my words, Republicans will succeed because they are legion. They have the discipline and are more than willing to play the long game. Anyone not conservative will continue to ignore mid term and non presidential elections, and like the fuckasses that they are, will also wonder how the hell this could happen.

It’s almost as if we need to codify these fundamental rights instead of relying on the Supreme Court. 

Yeah, if this isn’t a prime example of the progressive circular firing squad I don’t know what is.

Sometimes progressive activists make the perfect the enemy of the good. Often, actually.”

Fuck that. I taught on a rural reservation. I had a student who had been raped repeatedly by her older brother. She told me that the only thing that made her feel like she wasn’t alone was watching reruns of SVU. Sometimes progressive activists make the perfect the enemy of the good. Often, actually.

No, you’re not alone. This is fucking stupid. The Grey’s Anatomy comparison is on point. If people think that’s what hospitals and doctors are really like, that’s on them, not the show.

They couldn’t make it more obvious that they don’t actually watch the show. SVU didn’t just deal with police brutality in a single premiere episode last season. Most of the last two years worth of episodes have been on police brutality, police misconduct, and/or racial profiling.

From the headline, I thought Hargitay had a “Blue Lives Matter” bumper sticker on her car or something.

This is BS. It’s a fictional show that everyone loves. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it and go read a newspaper. I don’t think anyone is thinking any of these crimes shows are real. Like when they magically find evidence the next day too right & solve the case? Delete all crime shows then and stop targeting

You are not the only one who finds this ridiculous. She is bringing attention to the enormous backlog of unprocessed rape kits in the country.  She can only do what she can do, and that’s what she feels she can make a difference doing.  Don’t damn her for not fixing every ugly police department in the country; she