
Honestly, so much of what I’ve seen and heard on Facebook in particular during this election cycle (and if anything, I tend to be friends with fairly politically-minded, well-informed people, so my FB feed should be fairly well-curated) makes me wonder what the hell happened to civics classes since I graduated from

Apparently real mothers do shit like nurture things and don’t ever sully their hands with the gray areas of politics and statecraft.

Yep. She’s a terrible, terrible person. And I barely thought of her or thought vaguely positively of her and the Greens before this election. She’s running that party right into the ground.

Dude, her Twitter feed is a fucking cesspool. She tweeted this gem about Hillary Clinton on Mother’s Day:

That guy was fucking awesome. I was ready to crap thunder and shit lightning by the end of his speech. If he can’t bring moderate Republicans on board, nobody can.

Yeah, I’ve skipped the liveblogs and gone straight to the comments here. The Wonkette liveblogs, however, have been excellent, hitting a sweet spot between humor and, you know, actual information about what is going on. I don’t know what the fuck Gawker’s problem is lately.

Funny how almost all of the people spouting that particular brand of idiocy are white, straight men. I’m sure it’s just a weird coincidence, though.

Yep. I saw this coming from a long way off, and I’m really, really sorry to be proven right.


While I take some grim satisfaction from the “oh fuck what did I do, we are so screwed” expression that flits across his face when they boo, Bernie needs to just go away.

They do have it in some places, but I think the NPS tries to balance keeping things as natural as possible with safety. And there are so many trails along and into the canyon that it would really be impossible to fence every last one of them off. Meanwhile, my mom, aunt and uncle did this hike (Angel’s Landing) at

Virtually any Beatles song except “Revolution 9” and “Helter Skelter” works, IMHO. Paul McCartney’s solo catalogue is also full of stuff that’s nice to sing to and with kids. And if it’s a boy, there’s always Lennon’s “Beautiful Boy,” as well.

Yeah, Gizmodo’s been a shithole for a while now. I used to visit semi-frequently, but I just couldn’t take the misogyny anymore.

Oh, man, chicken katsu curry is my jam. And for Lolobond up there, dude, years spent living in both China and Japan here, and I don’t know a single person in either place who didn’t habitually cook their rice in a rice cooker. Maybe it could be an East Asian/South Asian divide, but I believe my friend’s Thai boyfriend

I like Kill Doctor Lucky better, personally. Similar idea, but you’re trying to kill an obnoxious old coot, and it plays a little bit faster, I think.

Baruch Dayan haEmes.

Ugh, I didn’t even think about that, but you’re right. And he’s been such a shitheel lately, that’s not even a scenario that’s difficult to imagine. It’s really a shame, too- the guy has some good points, and I would have liked to see him capitalize on the support he’s received in a meaningful way. As it stands now,

Basically none, IMHO. Recent polls show that the vast majority of his supporters are already going to vote for Clinton, and people stopped paying attention to anything he had to say around the DC primary. And those that didn’t stop then sure as hell stopped once Orlando/Brexit/ongoing Trump lunacy/Warren VP whispers

No, but it also means that almost every segment is great, and there’s really nothing mediocre that goes on the air. I’d still love to see more, though.

YouTube! Pretty much all of every show is on there by Tuesday.