
Honestly, I feel like Samantha Bee has really taken the Daily Show mantle, at this point. And she’s so much more snarky and feminist than even Jon Stewart was- I only wish she were on more than once a week.

Yep. Or, “This is why you apply to safety schools.” Thank God my mother was very frank with me during the college admissions process both about what she could afford to kick in financially and about how realistic I was being in my application choices. Of course, my mother, an elementary school teacher, is also very

You left off Germany- when I was working there, we routinely got calls from people who had been turned around at the airport and shipped back to the U.S. because they had less than six months left on their passport. The airport in Munich was particularly strict about this.

I cut it all off a couple of years ago- doubt I’ll ever go back, honestly.

I cut it all off a couple of years ago- doubt I’ll ever go back, honestly.

I ditched hairspray for pomade- smells good, has good hold, and it comes in water soluble versions that will wash out when you shower. Obviously not ideal if you have long hair, but for shorter haircuts, it’s pretty great. Right now I’m partial to Uppercut and Railcar Fine Goods (which smells fucking amazing), but an

I ditched hairspray for pomade- smells good, has good hold, and it comes in water soluble versions that will wash

It’s very good- I’ve read it multiple times and would recommend it without reservation, especially if you’re interested in North Korea generally.

I also read it, twice, and found it a fascinating and incisive piece of journalism. As the other commenters mention, just the fact that she has the language skills to understand what her students, minders and others are saying makes a huge difference when you compare this against other books written about North Korea.

Beautiful. Very well played indeed.

Meanwhile, Paul Ryan is conducting himself more like this:

I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t a major high point in my life.

I saw him in Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike, and he was so, so brilliant. Had me laughing so hard I was crying.

It doesn’t. Kashrut has all kinds of rules about avoiding the mixing of meat and dairy, as well as when things are prepared and by whom (the fire must be lit by a Jew, kosher restaurants can’t be open on Shabbos or Yom Tov, et cetera), so it’s more strict. Muslims are also allowed to eat shellfish, which is a

There are reports that he was advised yesterday that this filibuster was coming, and he decided to get on a plane and fly back to Vermont anyway. This is the same guy who’s been aggressively announcing his ally status throughout his campaign, too. Fuck him.

So the word on the street is that Bernie Sanders was advised of this filibuster before leaving D.C. yesterday, and he decided to go ahead and hop on that plane back to Vermont. This was it- this was his chance to harness some of that political capital he’s made campaigning, demonstrate some real leadership and

I couldn’t help but notice that one revolutionary Senator who is, as far as I know, still in D.C. at the moment... hasn’t turned up. Meanwhile Angus King, who is in a very similar position (Independent, represents a predominantly white state with a clear hunting and gun culture) was there with bells on.

Well said. I own a reproduction musket for living history stuff, and even black powder blanks will mess you up if you don’t take appropriate safety measures. A gun is never “just” a gun or “just” unloaded or “just” loaded with a blank round. A guy got shot in the face with a live round at the 135th Gettysburg

Listening to Bernie’s spokesperson try to tap dance around his endorsement of Obama in 2008 when she asked him how he’s now justifying his claims that the election isn’t really decided when in 2008 he didn’t wait for the convention to pledge and endorse was pretty hilarious. A lot of, “Oh, it’s totally different this

Depends on your doctor. My primary care physician will absolutely prescribe birth control without a pelvic if I don’t actually need one.

This is pretty much exactly what my primary care doctor told me when I went in for a checkup and a pelvic exam. She asked me a few questions, told me my lifestyle since my last pap meant I didn’t need a new one right now, and said that it’s almost assault, the way the (overwhelmingly male) medical community convinces

I feel incredibly strongly about expanding reenacting and living history beyond the white, male demographic that traditionally gravitate to it. It’s so important for women and POC to feel that same connection to and ownership of their own history, whether that’s doing military reenacting or civilian or a combination