
I’ve been to his store in Arlington- after this shitshow, I’ll never spend another dime there, because fuck Jeff Weaver forever.

You are most welcome! It took me a while to really find it in myself to articulate that, honestly, because my impulse has been to qualify my criticism of Bernie with, “I think he’s a good guy,” and “He means well,” but after seeing his behavior the last few weeks, I’m really starting to think that the only person

We probably should, and yet I would say that we haven’t been, which is part of what has allowed this stuff to get as bad as it has.

Yikes. My mother was a Clinton delegate in the Maine state caucus (and I was one back in 2008)- they were incredibly anal about making sure that the people who volunteered to be delegates and were selected knew who they were, were eligible, would show up, et cetera, because that’s how you actually get your delegates

I really think that he came in with zero expectation of winning, just looking to shake things up a little, and when he suddenly went viral, he was completely unprepared. Then Jeff Weaver et al started whispering into his ear, and he bought into his own hype. The way he’s currently running his campaign no longer makes

Early on, I actually thought I might vote for Sanders (slightly embarrassed to admit that now). Now I want to see him primaried in Vermont.

My feeling is, if these had been Trump supporters, would we be so concerned with “telling both sides” and “not painting people with a broad brush”? We already know the answer to this, and it’s no, we would not. We also wouldn’t be satisfied when the candidate in question mumbles a bit about not supporting violence but

Well, he was just fighting back against the establishment. It was an act of revolution. [/sarcasm]

That was when he really started to lose me. The fact that he and his supporters have been harping (and harping and harping) on the alleged unfairness of closed primaries, claiming that they hurt democracy, et cetera, et cetera and have said nary a word about caucuses, which are much more damaging to voter turnout and

Welcome to the Hilluminati!

This is very well said. I didn’t end up voting for Bernie, but I came in with a positive impression of him, and I do think that he’s done the Democratic party a service in pulling Hillary to the left (and closer to her Senate voting record than she may have been otherwise). I completely agree that his platform still

Yes, but you’re forgetting that southern states don’t count because Bernie said so. Also, caucuses are magically more democratic than primaries, despite that being demonstrably false.

Were you also saying this in 2008, when Clinton was actually ahead in the popular vote when the convention rolled around?

Yep. Also, probably white, straight, privileged and male (although I do know of a few “Bernie or Bust” women- looking at you, Susan Sarandon!).

I actually went for the chop in part because of reenacting, since I do a male impression, but having done it, I don’t see myself going back to long hair any time soon. Totally independent of gender expression-type stuff, just the fact that it takes me all of three minutes to dry my hair in the morning before work is

Awesome. Good for that kid and his parents.

There are so many people, gay, straight and otherwise, who stand to be affected by these laws. It’s incredibly fucked up, and it’s made me question people’s collective sanity even more than usual. Unfortunately, I think the only solution is education. Well, that and pepper spray, possibly.

Personally, I spent a long time trying to learn to like stereotypically “girly” stuff. At this point, I have no more fucks left to give, so if people want to wonder, let ‘em wonder. But there’s people looking and wondering and people actively dragging my butt out of a bathroom, and while the former doesn’t bother me,

It’s incredibly frustrating. And really, the fact that your kid wants to play with “boys’ toys” if they’re a girl or “girls’ toys” if they’re a boy doesn’t automatically mean they’re trans. People are so fucking panicked about gender lately, and I really don’t get it at all. Obviously, if your kid is trans, support