
The gender policing isn’t exclusive to gay people or even LGBT people. I know plenty of straight guys who dress or look a little more feminine and straight women who dress or look a little more masculine. This is purely about gender expression and, ultimately, individual fashion choices. Children or adults who are

I don’t generally get called “sir”- only very rarely, and it doesn’t bother me, because hey, I know I’m riding that androgyny line. But there’s a hell of a difference between getting called “sir” by some kid at Dunkin’ Donuts and being dragged out of a bathroom by a couple of cops because I couldn’t/wouldn’t produce

Alas, ‘tis true. If only I had taken my dearest mother’s (frequent) advice about the virtues of femininity! Of course, put me in a skirt and heels, and I end up looking something like this:

I’m in my 30s and dress about the same way as your daughter. I saw this video a few days ago and haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. I’ve never had an issue using the bathroom, but this really scared me.

Beautiful. Just beautiful.

Who’s to say what constitutes “look like they’re using the wrong bathroom”? Aside from the obvious bigotry side of this, that’s the crux of what’s wrong with these idiotic laws. They’re entirely subjective. There’s already a video going around of a lesbian woman, who is clearly a woman, being hauled out of a public

Well, that’s certainly better than having them show up to drag some woman with short hair or “too boyish” clothes out of the bathroom at Golden Corral every time some bigoted troglodyte calls.

That’s the main issue with these laws. If a trans person uses the bathroom that matches their gender identity, even if they have had gender reassignment surgery or are on hormones or otherwise transitioning, they can be arrested and potentially jailed, because the laws require that they use the bathroom that matches

Another option is to just start calling the police all the fucking time with “sightings” of slightly mannish women or slightly effete men using public rest areas. Have that shit on speed dial- if enough people keep calling and dragging them hither and yon to respond, they may eventually cry uncle purely from a

Yeah, that was fucking horrifying. There was even a female cop there telling the male cops that this woman was... well, a woman, and they didn’t give a shit, of course. Her hair’s longer than mine is, and all she was doing was wearing a hoodie and jeans. I’ve never had an issue in a bathroom, but with this hysteria

Yeah, as someone who dresses more masculine of center, no way am I visiting any of these places any time soon. I mean, I wouldn’t anyway just on principle, but at this point, it’s also an issue of personal safety.

It would be idiotic, but at least then they’d be consistent instead of a bunch of blatant hypocrites. The logical thing to do would have been to either outright endorse Sanders or at least attempt to have balanced reporting. They did neither, and they’re basically a joke now, as far as election coverage goes.

Or, you know, right here in articles on Jezebel. I see the one-eighty has begun.

Just a point of order- neither Tibet nor China are even remotely considered “southeast Asia,” which generally encompasses Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia and Singapore (maybe the Philippines? I tend to think of them as their own thing, but...). China is usually grouped as “East Asia” with Japan

I’ve heard the same- he’s not a very nice guy to work with or for, and I think that side is really starting to come out. It’s unfortunate, although I think he could salvage things if he drops out after next week rather than trying to fight through to the convention or adjusts his tactics and goes back to arguing in

As liberal a place as it may be on a local level, Alaska hasn’t given its electoral votes to a Democrat in a presidential election since 1968. Thus, by the logic of some Sanders supporters, shouldn’t “count” as a real win for Bernie any more than they seem to think Southern states should “count” as wins for Clinton. I

I personally know three or four different people who voted for Bernie in their state’s primary and are now saying that they have buyer’s remorse, basically, because what they’ve seen from him and his campaign in the last few weeks has been so negative and gross. They’ve all been saying, essentially, “He started out

Clinton beat Sanders in Ohio by a margin of almost fourteen percent. I’m sorry if you don’t like that math, but that’s pretty much a drubbing. She outstripped him by nineteen delegates. Trying to reframe reality when it doesn’t mesh with what you were hoping would happen really doesn’t do anything to help your

I’m curious, were you making similar complaints about Sanders’ caucus victories? Statistically, caucuses are the most disenfranchising way to choose a presidential candidate.

He’s probably got Jane going through the filing cabinet looking for those tax returns.