
So superdelegates should ignore the part where Clinton is ahead by 2.5 million votes in the popular vote (more now, what with New York and all) as well as in pledged delegates and do what you want because... well. Because you want them to, basically? That makes a ton of sense. So much for all of that talk about “the

As opposed to Kansas, Idaho and Alaska, those well-known bastions of liberalism....

Thank you muchly!

You do know that the Secretary of State’s job is to implement the foreign policy of the President, right? Obviously, they advise and make suggestions, but ultimately, once the President says, “Right, we’re doing XYZ,” their job (like anyone in the Foreign Service, actually) is to nod, say, “Yes, sir,” put on a happy

Do you have a link to an article or anything on that? I’m having a (pleasant, actually) back and forth with a Bernie supporting friend of mine, and that would be particularly salient. I remembered about his vote against immigration reform in 2007, but I hadn’t heard about the pro-H-1B stuff.

Sure, but Bernie was also at the rally where this occurred. He could have condemned that language from the podium before launching into his stump speech- if he’s the feminist I keep hearing people say he is, he would have. Just a simple, “Hey, I appreciate Paul’s support and his enthusiasm, but his description of my

I’ve basically given up on Jezebel for election coverage and now visit 538 and Wonkette almost exclusively. I get that they’re super in the bag for Bernie and all, but the way they’ve blithely ignored this ongoing, blatant pattern of really nasty, sexist language on the part of Sanders’ surrogates is really gross, and

... or Sarandon’s belief women can hoist their vaginal walls up to the voting booth and vote.

Holy fuck. Classy, dude. Really fucking classy.

My 20-something cousin posted yet another article claiming that Clinton is a “centrist Republican.” I asked her to explain Bernie’s repeated votes against the Brady Bill, his vote in favor of funding the war in Iraq and the F-35 jet contract he secured for Vermont to make sure they got some of that sweet, sweet blood

Yeah, and Burr is standing right there with them, isn’t he?

Yeah, that’s also my only real complaint about it. And no, I don’t think it passes the Bechdel test- I remember thinking about that at one point, and I’m pretty sure it doesn’t.

Fingers crossed! That would be really cool, and I would one hundred percent want to see it if they did that. Not that I don’t want to see Hamilton anyway, but....

Have they actually promised a gender-swapped version of the production? Because that would be amazing.

Yeah, I was doing that math, too and was getting increasingly squicked out. Statutory rape, anyone? I mean, sure, it sounds like it was consensual and everything, but even so, that’s a pretty vast age (and emotional maturity!) difference when you’re talking about teenagers. And here he is dithering around about

Metric scale or imperial?

In the most fun variations on this theme, the club or bar will call the cops on the guy, and he gets to go to jail, at which point he’ll probably try to contact the nearest U.S. Consulate or Embassy, expecting that they’ll send in the Marines to get him out. They won’t. Even if he’s a 10.

Yeah, all of the Nazi jokes are pretty fucking offensive, and I’m Jewish, for God’s sake. And I blinked at where the article asserted that this line is “near Cologne”- Leipzig is nowhere near that part of the country.

I believe they have them in Shanghai, as well, although it’s been a while since I was there. They were all over the place in Japan. I’m not sure why Jezebel is reporting on the general concept of all-female train cars as if it’s Totally New and Unheard Of. It’s been a thing for at least a decade or two now in other

Presumably that extra X chromosome.