King of steak sauces... no mention of orange... not A1. :(
King of steak sauces... no mention of orange... not A1. :(
As someone that has ignored the “ditch the cargo shorts” message from the fashion industry (I tell them what I want to wear, not the other way around), I am also ignoring this. My knee length cargo shorts are utilitarian; they hold tools, children’s snacks, a spare diaper sometimes. I have a permit, I do what I want.
That is just, like, your opinion... man.
Weird. I just went from the stock fan from an AMD FX-8350 to a Corsair H60, and am loving it. Especially the decreased sound.
I think “don’t be a snitch” applies in all instances... not just against the po-lice.
Race based humor is fun.
Know what is good, periodically? Boiling water.
It is Disney, man. They do things like that.
Samsung phones have this built in... well, unless your carrier decided you don’t need to have it. It is called Smart Call on the Samsung phones, located in the same place as the google setting, and uses the Hiya databases.
This is not correct. The renter is at a loss, and NOT saving. A home owner pays out less in the long run, whereas a renter (assuming they have the same rental property, and a locked price in perpetuity) will pay significantly more. E.G., owner pays 1000 a mo x 30 yr + 1500 taxes yr. Renter pays 1000 mo, forever. Then…
Withholding is determined by the individual, that is why. You take the filing status, and the number of exemptions (both set by the individual) and your employer goes to a chart and sends that amount every pay period from your paycheck directly to the IRS.
Weird, I recently ran across something where they were saying that viedogames remove the penalties for failure to the detriment of personal development.
I heard MI was a chore to watch, from someone that liked the previous movies.
The young man, unpaid athlete at that, thinks his education is more important? I wish more college students realized how important their educations really were.
Your interactions seem awfully familiar, and informal. Where I’d use ,”Excuse me, sir...” what would you use? It would still work if you wanted to not use the gendered honorific... but I don’t know of any non-gendered honorifics that don’t depend on knowledge of occupation. (e.g., Doctor)
So then what are you advocating, if not to be rude by not using honorifics?
Umm... you use “sir” with any man, not just public servants. Just like how you use “ma’am” or “miss” with a woman. You’re saying don’t treat them like men? Or are you saying be rude?
I demand a ethnically proportionate teen titans. Only accounting for monoracial ethnic groups (e.g., discounting groups like Asiatic Triracials), 34% of the teams needs to be white, 31% Asian, 12% African, .8% Amerindian, and .18% Australoid. I know that only equals about 78%, so you get 12% of the team that gets to…
How is calling her a girl, in this context, any different from calling someone a boy? The connotations I pulled were young/inexperienced, not wise. All of this is true, he just chose to use it as a detractor because he has experience whereas she lacks it.
Something that also needs to be considered, the media industry is parasitic. No sympathy.