
Fired mere days after receiving a promotion, with no paperwork to back it up? Doesn’t sound good for the employer, even in a right to work state.

You need to better explain your scaretistics. For example, the boys being “greater risk” of drowning being not because they’re worse at swimming than girls, but because they’re more apt to push limits (take risks), and African-American children blah blah blah stereotypes. It doesn’t change your suggestions for

My back hurts. 

and it turned out so well for them, too... 

What were their titles, so I can stream them on Neptune. 

Ms Goldberg is not affected, her money insolates her.

Total loss, insurance pay out. Nothing to cry about. 

that's neat. 

So then we’re at war with everyone, including allies? 

“High crimes and misdemeanors” doesn’t mean what everyone thinks it means. It can mean, simply, not being a gentleman. 

Incel” isn’t a thing. Stop perpetuating the title.

I just want to experience other cultures. Kind of like how we wanted to learn the swear words in other languages as kids. 


Oh oh , like what? 

Be quite, cigarette. 

Do you remember the original? Where you could just dig and dig and dig through levels, making your own paths? I don’t recall being able to destroy too much of the buildings (I also think the entirety of the game took place underground).

US wasn’t founded on genocide. That is historically incorrect. Emphasis on the phrase “founded on”. Slavery? Sure slavery was there, as it was everywhere else in the world that didn’t listen to the Catholic Church (be they Catholic states or not), and there were attempts to outlaw slavery during the founding of these

Might makes right, idealist. No country in this world operates on any other principle.  

What social contract? I never signed any social contract. 

I’m glad she didn’t put on white-face. Maybe she should be cosplaying as BBQ Seo-Yun?