You’re claiming that everything is always racist, I am claiming that some things may be but everything is not. I am not claiming that there is none. Your stance is a logical impossibility.
You’re claiming that everything is always racist, I am claiming that some things may be but everything is not. I am not claiming that there is none. Your stance is a logical impossibility.
You’re part of the problem. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. In fact, your way of thinking is a VERYLARGE part of the problem. A rediculously large part of the problem. Not everything is about or is related to these antequated Anglo ideas of “race”.
Last year? That was the particularly bad one that went around, yeah? I got the shot, still got the virus. As amazing as your annecdote is, I counter yours with faking the nazal immunization for as much as I could while I was in the Navy and not contracting the virus once.
Well, Talipia is a shit fish... so I don’t entirely blame them.
I blame John Calvin.
I had Thai relatively recently, I forget the fish (it was delicious) or the name of the dish, but having the battered, fried, flayed, and fileted fish staring at me while I was eating was... different.
Fillipina? FillipinX?
Not saying this IS gov plot, but the idea that the gov CAN’T do it (whatever “it” is) because “people will find out” is patently false. You’ve got a whole bunch of declassified documents to back it up, from the Tuskegee (sp?) Experiments to MK-Ultra to the secret (and without permission/concent) sterilization of…
lol, kids. It is always humourous when people are presented with “the old way” of doing things. I don’t get the arguments against handwriting, though... (not made here, just in general).
I reply with “I’m not smarter, I just remember a lot and fix problems.”
Absolutely nothing special about this car, but it is in good shape.
“Everyone has their own moral compass,...” moral relativism is a cancer upon society :) A fun discussion for another day, I reckon. Unless you’re bored with philosophy... then you’re probably not able to be helped.
I can’t wear hats anymore; I seem to have developed “external pressure headaches”, which I find absolutely crazy because I was in the military for a good third of my life.
Yeah, well, you can blame “those that are not us” for that.
No need to be a fuck-knuckle because your jimmies are russled by my un-shaken approach to anything shy of already being dead. It may be hard for you to understand, but some people don’t need to have their world turned upside down when their normal precautions for every day life cover the majority of scenarios (this…
That isn’t a roof rack, you philistine; those are roof bars. You still need a rack to attach to those (or a cargo carrier, like the VAG guys love).
All of that sounds like the precautions that should be taken whenever there is something going around. Crazy.
I think you might have a problem (ref: boost at 70).
No links to the actual court documents that are referenced... I find the bankruptcy thing... interesting. They went after the individuals, their corporations, or another corporation that comprises these individuals?