
There are no conservative good guys? I remember quite a few.

They aren’t. For the most part, military tend to say fuck politics because politicians fuck them.

If President Obama ordered our military to take out a fleeing head of state of a middle eastern country without the slightest intention of even declaring war, said military will fire tomahawk missiles from a submerged Ohio class submarine doing so.

He may be ultimately responsible, but... man...

That isn’t foreign policy. That is domestic policy.

That is why I recommend telling them to shut the fuck up, as apposed to fining them or some other petty bullshit.

We can tell the car company to shut the fuck up and worry about cars, though.

The article isn’t about taxis. It is about how a bunch of people in an occupation decided to inconvenience others for political reasons. The reason why they went on strike/protest was not even car related. This is not a car related article. That is like saying an article about a shoe factory closing for the holidays


This site will never be a safe space for you or any one else.

It was owned by Gawker media, and purchased by those fools over at Univision. What the hell did you expect to happen?

In that case, Obama used the gun in 2011, for a number of months, against Iraqis.

The suggested haircut is shit for a man his age, and the style of suit they suggest will certainly not fit his body type. He’ll look even more pudgy, with a young man’s haircut (fat guy trying to look young).

Why was this cool when the previous administration did it?

I was all cool with your elucidation of the themes, previously only known subconsciously to me, until you threw in that feminist garbage. I think I may just be allergic to the latest wave’s use of the term. Regardless, thanks. *edited to correct spelling* 

Telecommute :)

But the unwieldiness dovetails nicely into the idea that the republic itself is too large. I don’t think the Louisiana Purchases was intended to be part of the union, I think the intent was to get Europe away from the union. I swear I read that, either from John Taylor (of Caroline) or Thomas Jefferson

Many believe the main problem with the governing system, at least the federal level, is that it doesn’t properly represent the masses (meaning a representative represents TOO many people). That, and the republican union itself is too big. It all boils down to scale.

Garages are neat.

You don’t need any crazy tools to make a large shelf like this. You can do it with a simple circular saw.  

I heard “Easy. Christ, you bastard.”