
People often mix up politics with philosophy. Well, I really mean people often replace philosophy with the shoddy facsimile politics can provide by it’s lonesome.

It sounds like someone has their boomer pin.

Something this article doesn’t make obvious - the UK’s TRIDENT II missile, and it’s Fire Control system, are identical to the US’s. Their entire system is the exact same as ours, sans 4 missile tubes. If you want more info about this, give the Naval Ordinance Test Unit (NOTU) or Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) PAO a

Something to consider - Amtrac also receives operating costs, grants, and funding from states, local governments, and other entities aside from the federal gub’ment. I think it would be BS if I had to pay for Amtrac through federal taxes, but could never benefit from it (because you removed it from the long and slow

I’ve enjoyed FA since it started (where’d Tyler go? ). I took this the same way i took the BS io9 article a few years back, warning that stuff was going to serve into partisanship... but I’m hoping I’m wrong. Politics and philosophy = good. Partisan hackery = bad. At least in the context of what this place has been,

And as someone who wore a uniform, you’ve made me even more weary of what I was already slightly weary of.

Isn’t this already a prequel?

Thanks for the education. I’m just a boy.

2006, 2010, and 2016 A3s door “map pockets” are large enough for a good sized clutch. That’s all I’m saying, yo.

Don’t a bunch of vehicles have purse pockets in the door? I know my A3 8P’s do.

This article is idiocy. You can’t just impeach an officeholder because you feel like it.

So 4 Chan says they made this up...

Ahh... taking earned PTO is ditching work. *best Arnold impersonation ever* To hell with you!

Well... it depends on if you’re eating anything else in the meal with a knife and fork... it isn’t like those rules have been around for a few generations or anything.

Thank the heavens democracy is for chumps.

Keep in mind that it was fashionable during the Romans empire’s stomping days, as well.

If my mortgage is X amount, I can’t just pay less. I mean, I could, but I’d lose the property. Likewise for rent. You have to go where the money is, and these ideas of only paying X percent of your income are often times unrealistic. Keep in mind that the average income for the US is $55k.

So where are all the articles about Mrs Clinton’s lesbian affairs? and about her daughter not being Bill’s? I love a conspiracy as much as the next cis-white-male, but I want to hear more about people other than Donald Trump.

It isn’t the military’s job to figure out how to make it suck less... unless you’re talking about a Starship Troopers-esque coup over the current government.  

Well, you can’t deny the Germans had good looking uniforms.