
In regards to the fix - you failed to mention that it comes with a check, and if you don’t get the fix done (but keep the vehicle) you get NOTHING.

I am sick of “2 car garages” where you can’t open up the doors and get out of (or in to) both cars.

Please explain the connection you’re trying to make.

It is indeed a start.

I can’t wait to see a videogame do the same for Hillary.

The white officers were not tasked with exclusively arresting black criminals. The point was garbage, especially considering the lack of black cops in the game.

You need to read a book, too. There were black police officers in New Orleans shortly after Reconstruction. Another tidbit: It took until 1944 for Miami to hire black officers.

There were black police officers in New Orleans shortly after Reconstruction. Go read a book, pleb.

The problem is which brand of social justice a person may be fighting for.

I can program (OBDeleven or VAGCOM) my Audi A3 Sportbacks (I have 2, I am hoarding them) to flash the 3rd brake light all emergently like when I press the brake pedal.... does that count?

Hmmm... Red Dead Redemption ended right before the Roaring 20's. I wonder what the hell they’re doing.

Piss off.

Women seen as liars? So that isn’t a Clinton only thing?

Are you not a rider? If you are, shut the fuck up you know why your comment is shit. If you aren’t, your point 2 is solved by “speed matching”, which is something you have to do in order to grab the handlebar, commoner.

This looks so incredibly fun.

The Obamas are fine wines? Are you serious? They are the cheap wines that get relabeled to be more expensive, so everyone thinks they are better than they actually are (when a cheap good wine is still a great thing to have). I’m not talking about political ideology, or philosophy, either. I am talking about the

The vast majority of news media (these reporters in question as well) are not performing public service. They are paid to feed addidiction. No public good there, bucko.

Can, too.


Story. Story. Story. If it lacks story again, it will be crap again.