
Nonsense. If a kid can handle a split schedule year in highschool, they can handle a single semester at the university.

Regardless “Call your mother around dinner time, at least once a week” is a very reasonable request.

rubber cement

If I am paying for it, they will contact me at the times of my choosing. That is, unless they don’t want me to pay for it for them.

Good thing they’re not naming a warship after Milk. They’re naming an oiler. Oil is lubrication. They’re naming a ship full of lube after a gay dude. Hilarious.

A federal government regulation? That is nice, let them enforce it.

Get 6200 and keep the vechicle, or lose the vehicle/loan and get 12k back BUT have to get another vehicle? Keep.

So she is purposefully trying to undermine the authority of her superiors (regardless of if the superior was right or wrong about imposing the office specific dress code). That’s grounds for a paddlin’.

Why are you not using a fluid evacuation pump to remove your oil, instead of the drain plug in the pan? It is faster, cleaner, and gets more out.

You have won Jezebel. Good night.

Pretty close - you enforce the laws upon yourself, instead of having them enforced upon you (via society).

Don’t vote. Imagine the hilarity is no votes are cast.

Oh, it is a virus. It has infected vast swaths of the union. Along with it’s sister virus: progressivism.

Internalized misogyny?

For the same reason that Kid’s Bop CDs are gateways to hell.

Well... I guess performing at a Neo-Con gathering is in itself punishment for a lifetime of licentiousness.

No... there is a special ring of hell dedicated to these guys.

As a conservative (philosophical) and most definitely not a neo-Conservative, what you need to know about the Republican Convention: nothing. Absolutely nothing. Ignore it, shun it, and don’t center your life on fickle things. You should be focused on two things: obedience to the unenforceable, love of the beautiful.

I think she’s hot. *throws 2 children in the bed on pickup truck, rides past law enforcement because it is legal*

You do know that NASCAR has tracks where drivers turn left AND right, right?

I’ve read a few books, stayed a night at a Holiday Inn Express, sat in a few classrooms. You know, normal things.