
Well, there are more than 2. I’ll give you that much.

There are no (philosophical) conservatives there, either.

The beautiful thing about this minimum wage idea, is it has to be proven RIGHT. And yes, this was me saying through illustration that just because the clock is right twice a day does not mean that the clock is always right.

Yes... let me get those, right now...

Choosing the lesser of two evils... means you’re still choosing evil... better get those matches ready, it is time to burn it all down.

Krugman. You fucking pulled Paul McDouchnuts Krugman.

Time displaced? And yes, the peaceful attempt at secession from the crown didn’t work... so our reluctant violent separation is celebrated.

No they aren’t. I’m afraid you are talking about Neo-Conservatives. They are also, coincidentally, the sister ideology of Progressivism.

Sluts should be shamed, but it needs to apply to men as well. Licentiousness should be frowned upon by everyone in civilized society. It is corrosive, toxic to society even.

People keep saying homoPHOBIC. I don’t think it means what they think it means.


So no vehicle and 3k in pocket, or vehicle and 5.7k in pocket. Hmmmmmmm. People are seriously considering selling back? Lmao, that 5 grand is pain off a credit card and buying all the emissions removing stuff I need to UNDO, and then some, whatever the fix is. Lmao

So I take it you wear the skinny jean style?

$300 for jeans? Heh, I wouldn’t have even tried.

What the hell did you do to them where washing them after each use made them only last 6 months? I wash after every wear (I live in the south, where summer is 9 months long), and mine last well over a year. I have pairs that I purchased in 2011 that still fit fine, and aren’t falling to pieces.

As some on welfare, you have to punch up.

He was running the promotion before, and the loss of life didn’t even happen in the same region of the continent. Tasteless? How about no.

The game begins with you and your pod swimming in your home bay. One podmate challenges you to see how high into the air you can jump. When you’re in the air, a waterspout storm forms and sucks up all marine life in the bay except for you, leaving you alone in the bay. Upon leaving the bay to search for your pod, you

So no man pee was tested?

You heard it here, folks. No sympathy for the victims.