A document written in the later 1700s couldn’t have predicted television or the internet.
A document written in the later 1700s couldn’t have predicted television or the internet.
States, however did grant the right in which we speak in their constitutions.
Considering everyone has melanin, you’re a damned idiot.
The vast majority of those things are hardened, and would not be affected.
Just as long as you’re using a humane caliber (eg., not .223)
Just as long as you’re using a humane caliber (eg., not .223)
Easy fix - get rid of the federal draft (which has no constitutional backing), and leave it to the states (who, historically, had that role anyway).
Well, when you say it is a queer bar, it is safe to assume the clientele are extreme majority queer. When you say it is a youth bar (which it technically is), and note that they were in a Latin theme (which they were), you’re able to easily explain why so many people were wearing sombreros.
Perfect length for a CoD campaign... (no slight meant)
Press Y for wadding Press X for powder Press A for rammer Press B for ball
Pfft. I want CoD: Jacobite Rebellion
They don’t care about you and your ability to not rely on others to get to work. They only care about those that have to rely on others to get to work.
Do I think it is murder? The definition of murder is to kill unlawfully. Abortion is legal. It IS killing, though. It is causing the death of a living organism.
The why is a fantastic philosophical argument. It should matter.
Same reason I was - abortions of convenience are abhorrent for a multitude of reasons. I am still empathetic.
It is almost like people don’t understand the difference between abortions of convenience and medically necessary ones.
I know, saying someone’s title is click-bait is as low as you can get.
That character is one weird black guy.
What does the EU really give you? This question is coming from a cousin separated by the English language and 3700 or so nautical miles, and is choosing to completely abstain from voting for the horrible choices I have available in our up and coming federal election.
Where the world economy is heading? You haven’t been paying much attention, have you? The market watchers are forcasting BAAAAAAAD things because of their false market.
I want ugly naked. That is something we’ve seen once, thanks to Uncle Trevor.