
I really think you may have been the minority, in not knowing what to expect. It was... fairly obvious, in my opinion. Now, did it do a good job in telling said obvious story OR did said story’s obviousness cast too large of a shadow for the story itself to get out from under? I am still wrestling with that.

Direct representation is all I want. Less than 4% of all games should be queer. Less than 2 percent should involve male queers, less than 2 percent should involve female queers, and less than .5 percent should involve queers that identify as non binary or another gender. Less than 14% should be black, and of those

PS4 exclusive? I guess I’ll just have to watch all the story centric scenes on youtube.

WD2 has Fred Durst apparently...

I was on a Speed 4, that got jumpy at the RPMs they wanted us to operate in.

Hugh Laurie as Batman?

Would it help if I let you know that if yours hasn’t done blow’d up by now, it was in the clear for this pacific problem?

“17 hour drive from NYC to Tampa (which I do frequently) I can get the dreaded flashing glow plug light and have a night mare to deal with on the side of the i-95 at 2AM somewhere in the deep south, Trump country.”

I’m waiting for them to tell me exactly what I have to do (or get done) to collect my check and keep my A3 Sportback.

VAG extended the hpfp out to 120k, FYI.

HPFP is warrantied to 100k now. That, and you can grab a 2microntech pure flow adapter and contain flow kit... and IF your hpfp goes, only it is affected.

I like to see a mod to be able to make all human characters race X, and sex Y, or to remove humanity from the game completely.

People have a problem understanding the difference between society and government. People should have the freedom to discriminate to their heart’s content. Government? Most certainly not.

It isn’t a pro-touring flavored mid 80's Monte Carlo SS. Meh. I like this guy’s videos, though.

Don’t get it twisted, foreigner. Extra (cane or beet) sugar isn’t added. Extra corn syrup is. The issue is much more complex than this article, or the fda, are going on about.

Yes, and this expansion’s raid was originally supposed to be part of House of Wolves. So, per the original plan MANY people already paid for it.

I must confess, though I was a year 1 day one season pass purchaser... the experience has left me not wanting to continue with the franchise.

Oversexualized, objectifying, lazy “art” garbage.

Paid expansion, but “season pass” purchasers are SOL because the “season” ended?

I don’t know why they dropped the original story, and continued where the original developers intended. It had great promise.